

网络2015-08-11 14:53

  后备工业 supporting industry

  后备基金 reserve fund

  后防空虚 leave the defense exposed

  后台管理 back-stage management

  后续投资 follow-up investment

  候选城市 the candidate cities

  呼叫等待 call waiting

  呼叫转移 call forwarding

  呼啦圈 hu la hoop

  胡同串子 peddler; hawker

  胡子工程 long-drawn-out project (a project which takes so long that young workers become bearded)

  虎父无犬子 A wise goose never lays a tame egg.

  互动广告 interactive advertisement

  互动演示 interactive demonstration

  互联网服务提供商 ISP (Internet Service Provider)

  户口簿 residence booklet

  户口管理制度 "domicile system, residence registration system "

  户主 head of a household

  护身法宝 amulet

  花旗银行 National City Bank of New York

  花样游泳 water ballet

  华表 ornamental column/cloud pillar/stele

  华盖 canopy

  滑板车 scooter

  画中画 picture-in-picture (PIP)

  坏球 Ball

  坏帐 bad account

  还俗 "resume secular life, unfrock"

  环保电池 environment-friendly battery

  环保型技术 EST(Environmentally-sound technology)

  环境保护 protect the environment

  环绕立体声 surround

  环太平洋地区 Pacific Rim

  换届选举 election at expiration of office terms

  换手率 turnover rate

  黄、赌、毒 "pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking "

  黄金时段 prime time

  灰领 (源于美国,指负责维修电器、上下水道、机械的技术工人,他们多穿灰色的制服工作,因此得名。) Gray-collar (Skilled technicians; employees whose job descriptions combine some white- and some blue-collar duties.)

  灰色经济 grey economy

  灰色区域措施 Grey area measures

  灰色收入 gray income

  挥棒 swing

  挥棒不中 fan

  回扣 kickback

  回头客 returned customer

  回头率 rate of second glance

  汇丰银行 Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation

  会计电算化 accounting computerization

  会考 unified examination; general examination

  婚介所 matrimonial agency

  婚内强奸 marital rape; rape of spouse

  婚前同居 premarital cohabit

  婚前协议 prenuptial agreement

  婚纱摄影 wedding photo

  婚外恋 extramarital love; love out of wedlock

  混合型卷烟 blended type cigarette

  混业经营 mixed operation/ management

  活到老,学到老 One is never too old to learn.

  火炬计划 Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)

  货币化 monetization

  货币回笼 withdrawal of currency from circulation

  货币留成制度 currency retention scheme

  货到付款 cash on delivery

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