

网络2015-10-28 10:11

  2.to pay something before it is due 预付

  [例] The publishing house advanced me on royalties.

  advance bill (n.) a bill of exchange that has been written before the goods have been sent off 预付(开)票据

  [例] Dear customer, we will send you the advance bill for that batch by air express mail today.

  adverse balance (n.) an amount of debt shown on an account赤字

  [例] With the rapid growth of our turnover, our adverse balance will be eliminated very soon.

  [同义词] deficit

  advertise (v.) announce something is for sale做广告

  [例] The soap is advertised on TV for its special flavor.

  [同义词] announce

  ad (n, inf) short for advertisement

  ad valorem (adj.) of tax that is calculated as a percentage of the value of the goods从价征税

  [例] VAT is a kind of valorem tax.

  advertisement (n.) notice/announcement that something is for sale广告

  [例] If you want your house sold, you should have put your advertisement in a more popular newspaper.

  advertiser (n.) person/company which advertises广告商

  [例] Advertisers use various ways and media to promote their products.

  advertising (n.) the business of designing ads广告业

  [例] She’s in advertising.

  advice (n.) recommendation (s) about what you should do建议、通知(书)

  [例] His advice was to close the factory.

  [同义词] counsel, recommendation, opinion

  advice note (n.) a note to the receiver of goods from the sender that gives details of the quantity and description of goods and when and how they will be transported 通知单

  [例] Before you deliver the goods, please fax us an advice note for our confirmation.

  advise (v.) recommend what should be done建议、通知

  [同义词] counsel, recommend, suggest

  after-sales service (n.) service offered by a supplier to a customer to maintain or repair the product supplied售后服务

  [例] Nowadays many enterprises began to compete in the field of after-sales service.

  affiliate (n.)a person or an organization that is attached to a larger organization 成员,联号

  [例] That company is an affiliate of a prestigious holding group.

  [同义词] member

  (v.) to attach ( a person or an organization) to a larger organization 附属于

  [例] The business is affiliated to TCL Group.

  afmd (abbr.) aforementioned 上述的

  [例] You can refer to afmd post address for the dispatch.

  aftermarket (n.) a situation where a newly issued security is traded before its real price has been established in the stock market. 二级市场

  [例] Buy shares on a healthy aftermarket.

  after sight (adv) written on a bill of exchange to show that the bill should be paid within a specified time after the payer is presented within it见票后付款

  [例] The bill should be paid at 60 days after sight.

  against all risks (adv.) (of a marine insurance policy) providing insurance for all types of loss or damage全保险.

  [例] We insuranced the cargo against all risks.

  agenda (n.) order of topics to be discussed at a meeting会议议程

  [例] The first topic on the agenda is salaries.

  agent(n.) person who represents a company代理(商)

  [例] Our company’s agent in Middle East has developed a widespread and mature business there.

  [同义词] representative, deputy

  agiotage (n.) the business of buying and then later selling foreign currencies 套汇

  [例] That guy makes a big fortune by agiotage.

  [同义词] arbitrage

  airline (n.) a business providing a system of scheduled air transport航空公司

  [例] United Airlines

  air time (n.) time given to advertise on TV or radio电视(收音)广告节目时间

  [例] The air time of this new product will be prolonged for 10 seconds.

  allocate (v.) give money or other resources in certain proportions分配

  [例] In the budget we allocated most of the money to marketing.

  [同义词] assign, designate, allot

  allotment (n.) the distribution of new company shares to the people who have applied for them配股

  [例] Allotment has been made by random draw because of oversubscription.

  allowance (n.) something, such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose津贴

  [例] An expenses allowance is paid monthly to each trainee.

  amalgamation (n.) a type of reorganization where two or more companies are combined into one company合并

  [例] The amalgamation of the three companies strengthened the corporation.

  [同义词] combination, merger

  ambition (n.) strong desire to succeed in life or in a job雄心

  [例] My sister has an ambition and desires to get MBA.

  [同义词] aspiration, desire, yearning

  amenity (n.) a feature that increases attractiveness or value, especially of a piece of real estate or a geographic location 生活福利设施

  [例] a sunny apartment with amenities including air conditioning

  [同义词] facility, convenience

  amortize (v.) to pay off a debt by saving money on a regular basis分期清偿

  [例] The repayment of the bond is amortized in 5 years.

  analyse (v.) study in detail分析

  [例] We analysed the accounts.

  analysis (n.) detailed study, investigation分析

  [例] The analysis report shows clear logics and integrity.

  analyst (n.) person who analyses分析家

  [例] His intelligence and diligence made him an excellent and acute marketing analyst.

  annual (adj.) yearly年度的

  [例] the annual accounts

  [同义词] yearly

  annual general meeting (n.) (AGM) a meeting of all the shareholders in a company年度股东大会

  annul (v.) to cancel something or stop it from being legally effective 废除,取消

  [例] The contract was annulled.

  [同义词] nullify

  annulment (n.) the act of canceling something or stopping it from being legally effective 废除,取消

  [例] The disagreement of two parts resulted in the annulment of the contract signed at the very beginning of their cooperation.

  antedate (v.) to put an earlier date (on a document, letter, cheque, etc) than the date at the time of writing 倒填日期

  [例] To make this cheque legal, you should antedate it by 7days.

  [同义词] backdate

  anti-dumping (adj.) of ways in which a country protects its economy by preventing other countries from dumping in it. 反倾销

  [例] anti-dumping laws

  apology(n.) an acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense.致歉

  [例] a letter of apology

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