
4月27日SSAT考试回忆 阅读诗歌类题材阅读策略

北京新东方2019-04-30 16:32常秋杰




  Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!

  Bird thou never wert,

  That from Heaven, or near it,

  Pourest thy full heart,

  In profuse strains of unpremeditated art.

  Higher still and higher,

  From the earth thou springest,

  Like a cloud of fire;

  The blue deep thou wingest,

  And singing still dost soar, and soaring eversingest.

  In the golden lightning,

  Of the sunken sun,

  O‘er which clouds are bright’ning,

  Thou dost float and run,

  Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun.

  The pale purple even,

  Melts around thy flight;

  Like a star of Heaven,

  In the broad daylight,

  Thou art unseen, but yet I hear thy shrill delight;

  Like a poet hidden,

  In the light of thought,

  Singing hymns unbidden,

  Till the world is wrought,

  To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not;

  英国著名诗人雪莱的诗歌经常被SSAT考试采用,笔者用《云雀颂》来举例:第一节pourest是pour的古体,意思是倾泻,诗人用流水的意向来形容云雀歌声的流畅。第二节中“higher still and higher”描绘云雀向天空腾飞,其实考生读到后面就能理解云雀向高空的飞翔边飞边唱实际象征了诗人的灵感,也象征着诗人对理想的追求。第三节“like an unbodied joy” 是通过明喻的方式喻指云雀在明亮的云间飞行,就像无形的喜悦。第五节“like a poet hidden in the light of thought ”使用了明喻“像一位诗人,隐身在思想的光辉中”而且这句话是全诗的中心比喻,即理想的诗人像云雀一样用诗歌给人带来欢乐。SSAT考生想要攻破诗歌,需要在掌握诗歌常见的修辞手法之后多积累多感受。另外课堂中授课老师也给同学们总结了一些常见的象征,比如spring代表life(即生机勃勃),ring代表eternity(即永恒不朽)等。在诗歌的学习中,考生要从意象入手领会诗人的意图,进入诗歌的意境,其中蕴含的人生哲理、亲情、爱情等情感才能和我们产生共鸣,在深层次和高度上理解英文诗歌达到欣赏和理解的目的。

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