

新东方北京学校2019-01-07 16:39


  5 Cooking/Foreign food


  Do you know how to make (prepare) a meal?

  Do you ever do any cooking? (If yes, include how often.)

  Have you ever thought about learning how to cook?

  Do you like cooking? (Why?/Why not?)

  How often do you cook?

  Why do you think people love cooking?

  Do you prefer cooking at home or eating in a restaurant?

  When was the last time you had a hearty meals at home? How was it?

  Would you like to attend a cooking class?

  Do you think it would be useful to teach cooking in school?

  Foreign food

  Have you ever tried foreign food?

  Do you like to try some new food?/Do you like having foreign food?

  What kinds of foreign food are popular in China?

  Do you think having foreign food is popular in China?

  Did you like to have foreign food when you were a child?

  How often did you have foreign food when you were a child?

  Do you think people will have more or less foreign food in China?

  6 Plants

  Do you like planting?

  Do you know how to plant flowers?

  Do you have plants at home?

  What plants did you keep when you were a child?

  How would feel if someone gave you a potted plant at as a gift?

  Do Chinese like to give others plants as gifts?/Is it common for Chinese to give others plants as gifts?

  7 Festivals & Holidays

  Are there many festivals in China?

  Do you think there’re enough holidays?

  What’s your favorite festival/national holidays?

  What do people usually do during festivals/public holidays?

  What public holidays Chinese have?

  Do you think there should be more public holidays in China?


新东方雅思 (ieltsxdf)




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