

新东方北京学校2019-01-07 16:39


  11 Sunglasses

  Do you like wearing sunglasses?

  Do you often wear sunglasses?

  What kinds of sunglasses do you like to buy?

  Would you like to buy someone a pair of sunglasses?

  Have you ever lost a pair of sunglasses?

  How often do you wear sunglasses?

  Do you think you’ll spend a lot of money buying a pair of sunglasses?

  12 Sports and Exercises

  What sport/exercises you like to do? Why?

  What exercises/sports do Chinese like to do?

  What kinds of sports are very popular in China?

  Would you like to participate in the Olympic Games?

  What’s your favourite sports star?

  Do you prefer doing outdoor or indoor exercises?

  Do you prefer doing exercises alone or with other people?

  13 Weather & Seasons

  What seasons do you like? Why?

  Which season is your favourite?

  What do you usually do in different seasons?

  Do you do the same thing in different seasons?

  Would you prefer to have (or live in a place that has) the same climate all year, or a place that has different seasons?

  Does your country often rain? Do you like it?

  Do you like living in a dry area or a humid area?

  Have you ever changed your plan because of the weather?

  14 Something you do in the morning/Morning routine

  What do you usually do in the mornings?

  When you were a child, what did you usually do in the mornings?

  Do you make a plan in the morning?

  Do you usually do the same things in the mornings?

  Did you do the same morning routines in your early ages?

  Do you think having breakfast is important?

  How important it is to have breakfast?

  Do you want to change your daily routines in the future?

  Are there any differences between what you do now and in the past?


新东方雅思 (ieltsxdf)




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