

新东方云南学校2019-12-04 14:44


  Section4 预测重点 (5篇)

  主题提示: 儿童幽默的研究

  主题提示: 太空站和宇航员

  主题提示: 食物和儿童健康

  主题提示: 非洲鳄鱼

  主题提示: 压力山大图书馆

  Section 4

  Introduction to Alexandria library

  31-34 )Choose the correct letter A, B, or C:

  31. The first known library is different from other libraries in that:

  A. it aimed to contain books from around the world

  B. it is ancient/old

  C. its value for research

  32. The Alexandria library was founded so that?

  A. only experts in Egypt to use

  B. the king could increase his knowledge

  C. for all common the people

  33. When library doesn't find any of their books outside the shop, the Egyptian government would?

  A. compensate for author to keep the original book

  B. ask the author to sell book

  C. copy the book and returnoriginal book

  34. The Egyptian king failed to?

  A. fail to give deposit

  B. fail to return the original back

  C. fail to pay off his debt


  A. Alexandria library

  B. Egypt government

  C. Alexandria City Council

  D. Egypt university

  E. Mayor Frederico

  F. Mohammed Hosni Mubarak

  G. Foreign governments

  H. Mastafa Abbadi

  35. H. Mastafa Abbadi

  36. providing a site: A. Alexandria City Council

  37. requesting money from various countries: E. Frederico Mayor

  38. heading the international commission: F. President Mubarak

  39. giving the equipment: G. foreign governments

  40. providing the rest 120 million: B. Egypt government

  Section 4

  It's about crocodile of Africa

  31-35)Multiple choice:

  31. She doesn't believe that there is crocodile there, because she doesn't seen evidence in any document, there is no science evidence,

  C. no scientific backup/support

  32. The groupsize? A.20 B.36 C.45

  33. here was crocodile live in? A. vegetation

  34. Crocodiles live in caves of? C. underground

  35. In the past, what is happened in the North America?

  B. wetland become desert

  36-40) Sentence completion

  36. 8 months

  37. the depth of

  38. Local people do not fear crocodiles

  39. no one has been attacked by crocodiles (no report)

  40. This researcher still want to find more information about population size, migration patterns and relations to other population.


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