

新东方云南学校2019-12-04 14:44


  Section 1

  主题提示: 徒步行走的项目推荐

  Teyvay Valley walking tours


  Longest walking tours: 7days

  Name of the guide: MathewTanner


  1. Guide learn history in college

  2. Has been qualified guide for 5 years

  Details of the walking tours

  Maximum number of people 6

  3. To stay in a farm, Want to take his mother on the trip

  适合老年人行走是flat ground

  4. Fee is 480 per person per week

  5. Yet deposit is 55

  Highlights of the hours

  6. Day-3 visit a museum

  On evening can see deer

  On day-4

  7. We will visit the waterfall don’tlive in hotel, but in camp

  8. Watch dolphins transport by boat

  9. In the middle of ***, walkers can see one type of bird

  10. Best time to visit in June, June 游客比较少,July more people, yet weather is always reliable in~

  Section 1


  Winter festival


  1. The opening ceremony will beheld at Tidally Hall.

  2. The festival will close on 20th

  3. Those attending can go on a bus free of charge.

  4. For more information, the company will send a magazine

  5. Recommendation of coming on Monday

  6. You can a game of playing hockey

  7. At night, the audience stands around a fire

  8. A competition and the prizeis to win a ride in a helicopter

  9. You have to pay to get ski equipment

  10.Town has special light show.


新东方雅思 (ieltsxdf)




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