

新东方云南学校2019-12-04 14:44


  Section 2



  11 The drama writer is also a

  A leading actor

  B director

  C producer

  12 The story happened in

  A garden

  B room

  C underground passage

  13 The reason for not leaving island is

  A money is stolen

  B boat were destroyed

  C people were killed

  14 What should be done at midnight?

  A lawyer would make an announcement

  B guests would appear

  C money will be given out

  15 What happened in the story?

  A 暂缺

  B 暂缺

  C people were killed


  A heroine

  B hero

  C lawyer

  D maid servant

  E mid-aged woman

  16 don’t know what will happen-A

  17 another frightened-E

  18 who can predict future-D

  19-20)Sentence Completion

  19 Time to be on 7.30 pm.

  20 Played in Town Hall instead of XX asusual.

  Section 2


  11-12)Multiple Choice

  11. People go to somewhere to

  A get transport to the location

  B book a place

  C ask for price

  12. Who will be present at today’s event?

  A a famous person/career adviser

  B a media professional

  C a lecturer

  13-17) Completing

  13. a TV producer

  14. another guy who will be giving a speech is doing music videos.

  15. the activity during that time is film.

  16. camera man

  17. DJ

  18-20) Multiple Choice

  18-20. The advantages of being a runner are

  A 暂缺

  B 暂缺

  C can make good contacts

  D 暂缺

  E can travel to other places

  F can learntechniques


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