

新东方网整理2020-01-21 09:52


  11 bikes shop-H12 snack shop-E13 family room-F14 fitness centre-A15 TV room-G 16-20) Multiple Choice16 Where is the drama option class held this year?A in the theatreB in the sports hallC in the lecture room 17 What does the photograph classes do?A 暂缺B camera lessons focus on new people (beginners)C invite professionals 18 What are the writing option classes doing?A literature novelsB short storiesC poetry 19 What is true about the change of music classes?A being called off (singing teacher is ill)B the start timeC the content of concert 20 What is the main change of this year?A fees are the same as the last year (cost no extra charge)B parents with their childrenC fees must be paid in advance

  考点:单选题同义替换,定位及排除干扰项做题方法和地图题方位词可参考真题:C11 Test1 Section2; C11 Test2 Section23Part 3新题/旧题:旧题场景:学术场景主题:调查日常用品的意义题型及数量:4填空+3多选+3单选考试题目+答案:21-24)Completion21 preserve memories such as photographs22 show off status such as computers and cell phones23 reflect tastes such as works of art24 personal identity25-27) choose 3 out of 7 What kinds of interviewee do they like to choose?A Sara’s friendsB different backgroundC different sexesD different interestsE different coursesF living with parentsG the first year students28-30) Multiple choices28 What does Sarah worry about the questionnaireA the time length of is shortB what the question is aboutC doesn't know what to ask29 What does the essay should start with?C the reasons why you choose these interviewees30 What should be finished by the end of April?A finish assignmentB found interviewC they should at least finish the interview考点:干扰,同义替换可参考真题:C11Test2Section3, C11Test3Section3, C13Test1Section3, C13Test2Section34

  Part 4新题/旧题:旧题场景:科技研究主题:一种光学诱导打喷嚏现象题型及数量:10填空考点:同义替换,结构转换可参考真题:C12Test8Section4,C12Test7Section4考试题目+答案:31. caused by-unpleasant on the nose-faster breathing rate-watery eyes32. phonic sneeze: an uncontrolled reaction33. caused by the nerves endings in face34. air speed is like a personal hurricane35. share the same habit of tears in the eyes36. Aristotle: it is light which leads the sneeze, which is not caused by heat of the fire37. phonic sneezers are common when relatives are~38. depend on the contrast of brightness39. it will happen after certain of time40. government conduct experiment on pilots it is not affected to most of the~


  Part 1: desert, coast, rainforest, harbour, beach, cliff, valley, waterfall, spring, territory, sceneries, plateaux, outcrops

  Part 2: dining, fitness, north, south, office, pond, reception, drama, photograph, camera, beginner, lecture, call off

  Part 3: photographs, status, cell phones, identity, background, interest, interviewee, assignment

  Part 4: effect, influence, impact, side effect, injury, development, further research, methodology, statistics, extent, behaviour, inevitable


bikes stop, snack shop, family room, fitness center, tv room, drama, photograph classes, writing, music classes, interviewee


bring, focus on, new, professional, call, change, same, worry, choose, finish, find, live, different

新东方雅思 (ieltsxdf)




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