

21世纪2015-01-23 15:15

  When a director’s style remains entirely consistent with eachsuccessive film, it’s only natural that you might get bored.Shots, stories and setups become predictable, and audienceseventually move on to something more likely to offer theelement of surprise. The Grand Budapest Hotel finds US directorWes Anderson back in familiar stylistic terrain, but his particularwhimsical touch hasn’t overstayed its welcome, and it’s arguablyat its most engrossing.


  The Grand Budapest is a colorful hotel located in the war-torn mountains of a fictional 1930sEuropean country. It functions as a temporary home for the kind of characters only Andersoncould imagine. There are wealthy spinsters, melancholy artists on vacation and, as every goodhotel requires, doting attendants ready to meet their guests’ every need.


  The story centers on Monsieur Gustave H. (Ralph Fiennes), the hotel’s concierge, and his promisingyoung protégé, Zero (Tony Revolori). After one of the hotel’s prominent guests (and Gustave’smistress) passes away, Gustave is awarded her most prized possession– a painting. Outraged athaving lost the heirloom to Gustave, the woman’s son (played by Adrien Brody) initiates a deadlymanhunt that eventually drives our concierge into prison. Gustave and Zero must rely on eachother to elude their adversaries without losing track of the painting.

  故事围绕酒店的看门人古斯塔沃先生(拉尔夫•费因斯 饰)和他的得意门生零•穆斯塔法(TonyRevolori饰)展开。酒店的一位贵客(古斯塔沃的情妇)去世后,古斯塔沃得到了一副价值连城的名画。贵客的儿子(阿德里安•布洛迪 饰)得知母亲的遗产落入他人之手后怒不可遏,对古斯塔沃展开夺命追击,并最终将他送进监狱。古斯塔沃和零相互支持、携画一路逃亡。

  With The Grand Budapest Hotel, Anderson has created yet another movie only his mind couldimagine. But this time around, things are a bit more thoughtful. The WWII-esque backdrop overwhich the story unfolds evokes the harshness of that time without lingering on it and letting it spoilthe movie’s mood. Instead of bombarding viewers with the realities of life in a Nazi-occupied nation,the movie subtly reminds them of this bitter chapter in world history.


  In taking a lighter approach toward this subject matter, Anderson allows for viewers to steepthemselves in the movie’s sense of nostalgia. This particular time period and location proves to bean excellent playground for Anderson to explore both visually and through narrative. As always,the world through Anderson’s eye is colorful, quirky and, in the end, not such a bad place after all.


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