

财富中文网2015-02-04 14:54

  Facebook is really two companies for the price of one: Areally nifty, visionary, we’re-going-to-change-the-worldinnovator and a mind-numbingly technocratic/grind-it-out money-making machine.

  Let’s take the second first. The company reported full-year earnings Wednesday, and by any measure Facebookis an impressive business. Largely by selling ads that runon cell phones, Facebook’s 2014 revenue increased 58%to $12.5 billion. The company earned almost $3 billion.Nearly 900 million people used Facebook daily duringDecember.

  Unless your exceedingly interested in the intricacies ofadvertising technology, there’s almost nothing interestingabout how Facebook makes money. Listening to adiscussion of its financial results is a forced marchthrough the muddy fields of organic impressions,increasing velocity of advertising efficiency, right-handrails, and the like. In discussing Facebook’s desire to be agood partner to software developers, Founder and CEOMark Zuckerberg referred to the company’s efforts atbuilding a “cross-platform platform.” Sheryl Sandberg,Facebook’s chief operating officer, piped in that “ourultimate goal is to be the critical business partner to ourclients.”

  Yawn-inducing, perhaps, but powerful too. Facebook nowgets nearly 70% of its revenue from mobile devices, upfrom nothing a few short years ago. Considering its rapidgrowth, it is astounding that revenue from ads that runon desktop computers only growing at a 1% clip forFacebook. It’s worth repeating: Not very long ago desktopads were all that Facebook had. Facebook also has abalance sheet nearly as big as its 2014 revenues: Itended the year with $11.2 billion in cash.

  But wait, wasn’t there something about a vision andmaking the world safe for something other than efficientmobile ad units?

  Indeed. Zuckerberg did something unique for an investorearnings call: He shared a three-, five-, and 10-yearvision for his company. The three-year vision includescreating better services for people and, critically,businesses while growing Facebook’s “community.” Thefive-year plan envisions making businesses of WhatsAppand Messenger, an acquisition and a separate messagingapp, respectively. The 10-year plan involves Zuckerberg’sgoal of helping every person in the world obtain anInternet connection (through his Internet.org project) andthen plopping them down into a virtual-reality worldstemming from Facebook’s Oculus VR purchase.

  It’s the kind of stuff that only a company that’s printingmoney from its gigantic audience can afford to thinkabout.

  Toward the end of the earnings call an investor askedZuckerberg if it made sense to spending so much moneyto provide Internet connections to customers whowouldn’t generate sufficient revenue for Facebook torecoup the investment. Why, the analyst asked, does thismatter to investors? Zuckerberg’s response neatlysummed up his thinking about Facebook. “It matters tothe kind of investors that we want to have because we’rea mission-focused company,” Zuckerberg said. “Part ofthe sub-text of your question is that if we were onlyfocused on making money we’d simply focus on sellingmore ads in the U.S. But that’s not the only thing we thinkabout here.”

  At Facebook FB 0.61% , they certainly think about makingmoney. Indeed, when you make so much of it you alsocan think about creative ways to make even more, even ifthe payout is way off into the future.

  nifty: adj.俏皮的,极好的

  visionary: adj.空想的,幻想的; 预言性的; 有远见的;

  technocratic: adj.由技术专家官员组成的;受技术官僚影响的

  intricacy: n.错综复杂; (因复杂而产生的)难以理解

  muddy: adj.泥泞的; 暗的; 模糊的; 糊涂的

  velocity: n.速率,速度; 周转率; 高速

  astounding: adj.使人震惊的

  balance sheet: n.资产负债表; 财务状况表

  gigantic: adj.巨大的,庞大的; 巨人似的






  没错,扎克伯格做了件在投资者收益电话会议上极为罕见的事:他分享了Facebook的三年、五年以及十年愿景。其三年愿景包括,为人们以及(最重要的是)企业提供更好的服务,同时使Facebook的“社区”不断发展。五年计划是使WhatsApp和Messenger两款应用分别实现商业化。十年计划则包括:使全球所有人都能连上互联网(通过扎克伯格的Internet.org项目),并使他们进入Facebook收购的Oculus VR创造的虚拟现实世界。




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