

百度文库2015-02-10 21:14

  其实这个"岁"呢,就是那个鬼鬼祟祟的"祟",原来不是这个年岁的岁,它是一个谐音,就是祛除这个"鬼祟之气"、"晦气","霉运"。于是就给点压岁钱。实际上最早不是钱,它是一些象征性的物,那么后来呢,就给点钱,不管多少,有那么个意思。 Actually, "sui" in yasuiqian has a homonym which means evil spirit. Yasuiqian is to get rid of this evil spirit and bad luck. So people give some money to bring good luck. In fact, at first people did not give money but other symbolic gifts. Then, they give money. No matter how big or small the amount is, it has a symbolic meaning. 春节词汇精选:

  candies 糖果 sunflower seeds 瓜子 Yasuiqian = gift money = red bag 红包 农历正月初十过后,人们便开始准备庆祝元宵节的活动。元宵节是正月十五,是过年的另一个高潮。赏灯和吃元宵是元宵节活动的两个主要内容。这一天,人们在夜里悬挂彩灯猜灯谜,一起吃顿丰富的晚餐来庆祝。元宵节赏灯活动中的猜谜游戏,充满了智慧和趣味。After the 10th day of the first lunar month calendar, people begin to celebrate Yuanxiao Festival/the Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao Festival is the 15th day of the first lunar month, another climax during Spring Festival celebration. Watching lanterns and eating Yuanxiao are two main activities for

  Xuanxiao Festival celebration. On this day, people go to guess riddles on lanterns at night and have a big dinner for celebration. The riddle games are full of wisdom and fun. 过年时,言行要特别谨慎,因为中国人希望一年的开始能够事事顺利,有个好兆头。所以春节时期有许多禁忌。有些话、有些事是不能说,不能做的。 During the Spring Festival, one must be extremely careful in his or her acts and words. Because Chinese people want to have a nice start at the beginning of each year. Therefore there are many taboos during the Spring Festival. Some words should not be spoken and some things should not be done.

  春节里边有很多禁忌,你初一这一天最好不要扫地,要扫地的话,你要从门口往门里扫,从外往里扫,因为这些垃圾(被人们认为)都是财富。如果这一天打碎了东西,你不能责备孩子们,你得说"岁岁平安"。打碎了嘛,"碎"跟那个年岁的"岁"正好谐音,岁岁平安。如果小孩子不注意说了这种骂人的话啊什么,叫做"童言无忌"。 There are many taboos during the Spring Festival. One should not sweep on the first day of the first lunar month. If you sweep on that day, you should sweep from outdoors to indoors, but not from indoors to outdoors. If a child breaks something on that day, you should not blame him or her. You should say "To break is great for next year!" Break in Chinese has a homonym which

  means Year. If a child says something bad, it is "Children’s words are no taboos." 春节词汇精选: Yuanxiao Festival/the Lantern Festival 元宵节 To break is great for next year! 碎碎平安 Children’s words are no taboos 童言无忌

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