

网络2015-02-14 20:58


  The death of 33-year-old pop singer Yao Beina has brought breast cancer to the fore again in China and raises breast cancer awareness of the public, following American actress Angelina Jolie's decision to undergo a mastectomy.


  “乳腺癌”即breast cancer,乳腺癌已成为中国女性最致命的疾病(the most lethal disease)。在中国,虽然乳癌平均发病年龄(the average age of onset)是45岁,但在年轻女性中的发病率也在增加。

  医生建议,女性,特别是35岁以上的,每月应进行一次乳房自查(perform a breast self-exam),若发现一处或多处肿块(lump)应立即就医检查,早期乳腺癌(early-stage breast cancer)治愈率较高。有家族病史的更因提高警惕。晚育(late childbearing),睡眠不足(sleep deprivation),未定期检查(irregular medical checks)等是乳腺癌形成的几大诱因。

  同时,医生指出男性也有可能患乳癌,饮酒是主要原因。长期饮酒(long-term alcohol consumption)会导致酒精肝(alcohol liver)及肝硬化(liver cirrhosis),肝功能损害(liver function damages)会造成分泌过量雌性激素(excess estrogen),引起乳腺癌。目前,每100位乳癌患者中就有1名是男性。

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