

中国网2015-03-27 11:12

  Messy teenage boys' bedrooms... they're the stuff nightmaresare made of.


  But a mother on the parenting website Mumsnet has nowclarified just how gruesome it can get when clearly out theroom of an adolescent, after discovering a Pringles tube full ofurine.


  The mum, who goes by the username 'myotherusernameisbetter' revealed she made thediscovering while cleaning out her son's room this weekend.


  She wrote: 'Today [my second son] (13) was away for the day and I was waiting on hospitalvisiting time as my Mum is very unwell, I needed something to keep me occupied so I decided todo [his] room as a treat.


  'Apart from the dirty laundry I found: 2 empty juice bottles, 1 empty smoothie carton, 1 emptymilk shake carton, 6 empty crisp packets, 3 apple cores, a pile of orange peel, a pile of sweetwrappers, some bits of popcorn, 2 plastic bowls, 2 plastic cups......and a Pringle tube full of urine.


  'We are going to have to have a talk when he gets home.


  The lid was on - I reached out to pick it up expecting it to be light.....it was heavy, and full of liquid -i opened and sniffed.


  'It's just as well he keeps his windows open and heating off.'


  The revelation caused some shock to other users on the forum, with some saying that they wouldbe serious consequences for such behaviour in their households.


  But other mothers, often of teenage boys, were sympathetic, with many sharing their own horrorstories of items left to rot in their children's bedrooms.


  One user called SoupDragonwrite: 'I did [my son's room] whilst he was away over half term.

  名为 SoupDrag的用户写道:“在我儿子离开了半个多学期后,我整理了他的房间。”

  'I filled 4 kerbside recycling crates with paper, 2 with bottles and cans, 3/4 of the landfill bin and didapproximately 47 billion loads of laundry which mostly consisted of odd socks.


  'I was a little surprised not to find a dead rat.'


  Another called BellMcEnd said: 'I mucked out [my eight-year-old son's] bed today.


  'Under his pillow I found: 4 books, 52p, a medal from sports day, a weird piece of felt he'd beendoing something with at school for art, a lego man and a lip salve.


  'I only changed it ten days ago.'


  Faithope said: 'My [son] is 16 and a slob when it comes to his room.


  'Dirty pants and clothes continue to lay on the floor- the pile of clean and ironed clothes are pilingup as I just add to it.


  'The fact that [my son] thinks he has run out of clean pants and has helped himself to his dad's sohe has a pair to wear...if only he looked in that lovely pile of laundry on his bedroom floor, he wouldfind the 20 pairs that are clean and ready to wear.


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