

网络2015-08-12 16:12

  Lesson 2: Taking a Reservation Over the Phone

  第二课: 接受电话预定房间 (2)

  各位朋友好,欢迎您收听为旅游及服务业人员提供的初级“旅游业英语”第二讲,我是澳洲广播电台的节目主持人马健媛。在第一课中,我们学习了如何在接听电话时做自我介绍、在什么情况下用英语说早安和晚安等等。我们还学习了如何用英语表示日期、英语字母的国际无线电标准拼读方法、如何正确地称呼客人头衔以及有关YES和CERTAINLY这两个词汇的更加正式的表达方法。在这一课中,我们要学习的内容包括如何用英语中AND这个词使一个问句听起来更加客气、如何礼貌地请客人重复他说的话以及当客人说“谢谢””Thank you”的时候我们要如何回应。在我们学习新的对话之前,先让我们听一下接受电话预定房间的第一部分。

  Leo: Plaza Hotel, good morning. Leo speaking.

  Mona: Ah yes,l'd like to book two rooms for myself and my father.

  Could you tell me the cost of a single room per night?

  Leo: Certainly.A single room is 120 dollars American, per night.

  Mona: Fine.

  Leo: And when would you like the rooms?

  Mona: From the 25th to the 28th of September.

  Leo: Arriving the 25th of September and leaving on the 28th? Three nights?

  Mona: That's right.

  Leo: Just a minute please..Yes, we have rooms available then. You require two single rooms?

  Mona: Yes.thank you.

  Leo: Can I have your name please?

  Mona: My name is Mona White.

  Leo: And your father's name, Ms White?

  Mona: Ja)ber.

  Leo: Could you spell the surname please?

  Mona: Sure. W-E double-B E-R.

  Leo: Double P for Papa?

  Mona: No, double Bfor Bravo

  Now we-ll continue with Lesson 2:Taking a Reservation Over the Phone.


  Leo: And how will you be paying for your room, Ms White?

  Mona: By credit card.

  Leo: Both rooms on the same card?

  Mona: Yes.

  Leo: Your card number please?

  Mona: 4434 1234 5678 9902.

  Leo: Double one, zero two?

  Mona: No, double nine zero two.


  Leo: And how will you be paying for your room, Ms White?

  利奥: 您要以何种方式支付房费呢,怀特女士?

  Mona: By credit card.

  豢纳: 我用信用卡支付


  Leo: And how will you be paying for your room, Ms White?

  And when would you like the rooms?

  And your father's name?

  接下来我们一起听这段对话新的部分,我会将它们译成汉语利奥: 请问您的信用卡号码?

  Leo: Your card number please?


  Mona: 4434

  蒙纳: 4434

  Mona: 1234

  蒙纳: 1234

  Mona: 5678

  蒙纳: 5678

  Mona: 9902

  蒙纳: 9902

  Leo: Double one, zero two?

  利奥: 是1102吗?

  Mona: No, double nine zero two.

  蒙纳: 不对,是9902

  也许您已经注意到了,在拼读过程中如果出现字母或数字重叠的话,我们可以使用英文DOUBLE这个字。例如:DOUBLE B,DOUBLE 4.请注意听录音并跟着重复

  Double M

  Room:R double-0 M


  6 double-oh 2

  另外, “零”这个数字在英语里是“ZERO",也可以说成“OH",这两种说法可以交替使用。但通常我们会说DOUBLE OH, DOUBLE OH,而不说DOUBLE ZERO, DOUBLE ZERO.请再听一遍录音并跟着说。

  Leo: And how will you be paying for your room, Ms White?

  Mona: By credit card.

  Leo: Both rooms on the same card?

  Mona: Yes.

  Leo: Your card number please?

  Mona: 4434 1234 5678 9902.

  Leo: Double one, zero two?

  Mona: No, double nine zero two.

  Leo: 4434 1 234 5678 99027

  Mona: That's right.


  Lesson 2: Taking a reservation over the phone.

  第二讲: “接受电话预定房间”


  Leo: Double one, zero two?

  Mona: No, double nine zero two.

  Leo: And the expiry date?

  Mona: Eleven,.

  Leo: Could you repeat that please?

  Mona: November this year.

  Leo: Thank you. l've booked two rooms for Ms White and Mr Webber from Wednesday the 25tri to Saturday the 28th of September.

  Mona: Thank you.

  Leo: You're welcome. We'II see you on the 5tri, Ms White.

  Mona: Thanks a lot. Goodbye.

  Leo: Goodbye.


  Leo: Double one, zero two?

  利奥: 1102

  Mona: No, double nine zero two.

  蒙纳: 不对,是9902

  Leo: And the expiry date?

  利奥: 请问您信用卡的有效日期?

  Mona: Eleven,.

  豢纳: 十一月。。。

  Leo: Could you repeat that please?

  利奥: 请您再重复一遍好吗?

  Mona: November this year.

  蒙纳: 今年十一月


  Leo: Double one, zero two?


  Mona: The fifth Of September.

  Leo: The,7fm Of September?

  Mona: Double nine zero two.

  Leo: Double nine zero two?


  Leo: could you repeat that please?

  Listen and repeat.


  could you repeat that please?


  could you repeat that please?



  LeO: Thank you.

  利奥: 谢谢

  Leo: I've booked two rooms for MS White and Mr Webber..

  利奥: 我为怀特女士和伟博先生预定了两个房间

  Leo: …from Wednesday the 25th to Saturday the 28th September.

  利奥: 入住日期从九月二十五日星期三到九月二十八日星期六

  MOna: Thank you.

  蒙纳: 谢谢

  Leo:you're welcome…

  利奥: 不客气

  Leo: We'll see you on the 25th,Ms White.

  利奥: 那我们二十五日见,怀特女士

  MOna: Thanks a lot.goodbye.

  豢纳: 非常感谢,再见


  利奥: 再见

  当别人说‘谢谢“的时候,我们也要有礼貌地回复。利奥的说法是YOU ARE WELCOME,这也许应该算是英语里最常用的一种说法了。另外,我们也可以说“MY PLEASURE",而澳洲人最流行的一种说法就是NO WORRIES,请听录音并跟着重复

  Leo: You're welcome.

  Leo: My pleasure.

  Leo: No worries.


  Leo: And the expiry date?

  Mona: Eleven,.

  Leo: Could you repeat that please?

  Mona: November this year.

  Leo: Thank you.

  Leo: l've booked two rooms for Ms White and Mr Webber_

  Leo: from Wednesday the 25tri to Saturday the 28tri of September.

  Mona: Thank you.

  Leo: You're welcome.

  Leo: We'II see you on the 25tri, Ms White.

  Mona: Thanks a lot. Goodbye.

  Leo: Goodbye.


  Leo: Plaza Hotel, good morning. Leo speaking.

  Mona: Ah yes,l'd like to book two rooms for myself and my father.

  Could you tell me the cost of a single room per night?

  Leo: Cert:ainly.A single room is 120 dollars American, per night.

  Mona: Fine.

  Leo: And when would you like the rooms?

  Mona: From the 25th to the 28tri of September.

  Leo: Arriving the 25th of September and leaving on the 28tn? Threenights?

  Mona: That's right.

  Leo: Just a minute please.

  Yes, we have rooms available then. You require two single rooms?

  Mona: Yes, thank you.

  Leo: Can I have your name please?

  Mona: My name is Mona White.

  Leo. And your father's name, Ms White?

  Mona. Jack Webber.

  Leo: Could you spell the surname please?

  Mona: Sure. W-E-double B-E-R.

  Leo: Double P for Papa?

  Mona: No, double B for Bravo

  Leo: And how will you be paying for your room, Ms White?

  Mona: By credit card.

  Leo: Both rooms on the same card?

  Mona: Yes.

  Leo: Your card number please?

  Mona: 4434 1234 5678 9902.

  Leo: Double one, zero two?

  Mona: No, double nine zero two.

  Leo: 4434 1234 5678 9902?

  Mona: That's right.

  Leo: And the expiry date?

  Mona: Eleven, ...

  Leo: Could you repeat that please?

  Mona: November this year.

  Leo: Thank you. l've booked two rooms for Ms White and Mr Webber from Wednesday the 25tri to Saturday the 28th of September.

  Mona: Thank you.

  Leo: You're welcome. We'II see you on the 25th, Ms White.

  Mona: Thanks a lot. Goodbye.

  Leo: Goodbye.

  以下是一些对话的重点 ,有时间的话您要多多地练习

  Could you repeat,

  Could you repeat,

  Could you repeat that please?

  Oh-2 double-6?

  Or Oh-2 double 3?

  Could you repeat,

  Could you repeat,

  Could you repeat that please?

  Oh-2 double-6?

  Or oh-2 double-3?

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