

网络2015-08-12 16:28

  第五讲: 提供建议 (1)

  Lesson 5: Making Recommendations



  Leo: Good evening, Ms White, Mr Webber.

  利奥: 晚上好,怀特女士和伟博先生

  Jack: Good evening, Leo.

  杰克: 晚上好,利奥

  Mona: We're going out for dinner now. Could you recommend a good restaurant? One that's nearby?

  蒙纳: 我们现在要出去吃晚饭,你能推荐一家好的餐馆吗?离这里不远的。

  Leo: The Golden Lotus is very close. lt's famous for its seafood.But, if you like to listen to music while you're eating,l recommend the Pearl Garden Cabaret. lt's also within walking distance.

  利奥: 金莲花餐馆离这里非常近,那里的海鲜食品很著名,但是如果您喜欢在就餐的时候欣赏音乐的话,那我就向您推荐有歌舞表演的珍珠园餐馆,您走路就可以到这家餐馆。


  Mona: One that's nearby.


  Leo: The Golden Lotus is very close_

  利奥: 金莲花餐馆离这里非常近


  within walking distance,您走路就可以到,和It's just twodoors down,你要去的地方离开这里只有两个门牌号的间隔。请跟着一起重复下面的句子。


  lt's nearby

  Very close

  lt's very close

  Within walking distance

  lt's within walking distance.

  Just two doors down.

  lt's just two doors down.


  Mona: Oh no, we'd like a quiet restaurant.

  蒙纳: 噢,不用了,我们希望找一家安静的餐馆.

  Leo: Then I suggest the Golden Lotus.

  利奥: 哪我就向您推荐金莲花餐馆.

  Leo: lt's just two doors down, on the left.

  利奥: 往下走两个门牌号码,就在您的左侧

  Mona: Thank you.

  蒙纳: 谢谢.

  Jack: Maybe we could go to the Pearl Garden tomorrow night.

  杰克: 也许我们明天晚上可以去珍珠园餐馆

  请注意,您可以在这段对话的不同部分听到提供建议时可以使用的多种表示方法。最常用的说法是I recommend, 例如I recommend the Plaza Hotel。我向您推荐广场酒店。另外,您也可以说I suggest,例如I suggest the Lotus Restaurant, 我建议您去莲花餐馆。


  I recommend.

  1 recommend the Plaza Hotel.

  I suggest.

  1 suggest the Lotus restaurant.

  习惯上,如果是你主动向客人提供建议,那么在句子的前面要使用may这个词,例如:May I recommend the Lotus?我建议您去莲花餐馆。May I suggest the Plaza Hotel?我向您推荐广场酒店。请再听一遍对话,并请重复利奥的话

  Leo: Good evening, Ms White, Mr Webber.

  Jack: Good evening,Leo

  Mona: We're going out for dinner now. Could you recommend a good restaurant? One that's nearby?

  Leo: The Golden Lotus is very close. lt's famous for its seafood. But, if you like to listen to music while you're eating, l recommend the Pearl Garden Cabaret. lt's also within walking distance.

  Mona: Oh no, we'd like a quiet restaurant.

  Leo: Then I suggest the Golden Lotus.

  Leo: lt's just two doors down, on the left.

  Mona: Thank you.

  Jack: Maybe we could go to the cabaret tomorrow night.

  第五课: 提供建议

  Lesson 5: Making Recommendations


  Mona: Good evening. Do you speak English?

  蒙纳: 晚上好,请问您讲英语吗?

  Jean: Yes, I doo Do you have a reservation?

  琴: 是,我可以讲英语.请问您有预订座位吗?

  Mona: No, we don't.

  蒙纳: 噢,我们没有预订。

  Jean: This way please.

  琴: 请您跟我来

  Jean:Would you like to see a menu?

  琴: 您要看一下菜单吗?

  Mona: Yes, we would, thank you.

  蒙纳: 好吧,谢谢您

  Jean: Can l get you anything to drink while you decide?

  琴: 您选菜的同时要不要先喝点什么?

  Jack: I'll have alight beer, thank you.

  杰克: 请给我一个淡啤酒,谢谢。

  Jean: Local or imported?

  琴: 您是要当地产的,还是要进口的?

  Jack: Do you have Australian beer?

  杰克: 你们这里有澳洲产的啤酒吗?

  Jean: Yes, we do.

  琴: 有的。

  Jack: I'II have Australian thanks.

  杰克: 那就来一个澳洲啤酒吧。谢谢。

  Mona: Just a bottle of water for me, thank you.

  蒙纳: 我要一瓶水就好了。谢谢。

  Jean: Certainly.

  琴: 好的,没有问题。


  Mona: Do you speak English?

  Jean: Yes,I do.

  Jean:Would you like to see a menu?

  Mona: Yes, we would, thank you.

  Jack: Do you have Australian beer?

  Jean: Yes, we do.

  您能够听出其中的奥秘了吗?其实问话者提问句子中的第一个字就已经告诉您应该使用什么样的句型来回答他的问题了。例如如果问话者的问题是:Is there an iron?你有熨斗呜?那么肯定的回答就是:Yes,there is。是,这儿有熨斗。再如: Will you be here long?您打算长住吗?肯定的回答就是:Yes,1 will。是,我打算住久一点儿。 依此类推。


  Do you speak English?

  Yes,I do.

  Do you take credit card?

  Yes, we do.

  Is there a clock in the room?

  Yes, there is.

  Will you leave on Friday?

  Yes I will.

  现在请您来试试看。首先您会听到中文句子, 然后是这句话的英语表示方法。在铃声之后会有一段间隔,供您用英语短句子做回答。随后我们会播放正确的英语答案,最后请您再重复一遍正确的英语答案。

  Is there a restaurant nearby ? Yes, there iS.


  Do you take credit card?Yes, we do.

  请问你们接受信用卡吗? 接受

  Will you leave on Sunday?Yes,1 will.



  Mona: Good evening. Do you speak English?

  Jean: Yes,1 do.

  Jean: Do you have a reservation?

  Mona: No, we don't.

  Jean: This way please.

  Jean:Would you like to see a menu?

  Mona: Yes, we would, thank you.

  Jean: Can l get you anything to drink, while you decide?

  Jack: I'II have a light beer, thank you.

  Jean: Local or imported?

  Jack: Do you have Australian?

  Jean: Yes, we do.

  Jack: I'll have Australian thanks.

  Mona: Just a bottle of water for me, thank you.

  Jean: Certainly.


  I recommend

  l recommend

  a restaurant close to here

  And may I suggest,

  May I suggest,

  You try a local beer?

  I recommend

  I recommend

  a restaurant close to here

  And may I suggest,

  May I suggest,

  You try a local beer?

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