

新东方网整理2015-09-07 10:49


  阅兵 military parade

  胜利日大阅兵 V-Day parade

  抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression


  the military parade to mark the 70th anniversary of victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression


  方队、方阵 formation

  徒步方队 foot formation

  抗战老同志乘车方队 formations of veterans in vehicles

  装备方队 armament formation

  空中梯队 air echelons

  特种军special forces

  中国人民解放军 People&39;s Liberation Army (PLA)

  中国人民解放军第二炮兵 The Second Artillery Force of the PLA

  中国人民武装警察部队 Chinese Armed Police Force (CAPF)

  解放军仪仗队 People&39;s Liberation Army (PLA) Honor Guard


  地面突击 ground combat

  防空反导 air defense and missile defense

  海上攻击 maritime attacks

  战略打击 strategic strikes

  信息支援 communication support

  后装保障 logistic and armament support


  空中护旗方队 air flag guard formation

  领队机梯队 leading aircraft echelon

  预警指挥机梯队 Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEWC) Aircraft

  轰炸机梯队 bomber

  歼击机梯队 fighters

  海军舰载机梯队 carrier-based aircraft

  海上巡逻机梯队 maritime patrol aircraft

  加受油机梯队 refueling and receiver echelon

  直升机梯队 helicopters echelon


  机枪 machine gun

  冲锋枪 sub-machine gun

  步枪 rifle

  火箭炮 bazooka

  坦克炮 tank gun

  反坦克炮 anti-tank gun

  高射炮 anti-aircraft gun

  迫击炮 mortar

  加农炮 cannon

  装甲运输车 armored vehicles

  步兵战车 infantry fighting vehicle

  坦克 tank

  主战坦克 capital tank

  重型坦克 heavy tank

  中型坦克 medium tank

  轻型坦克 light tank

  水陆两用坦克 amphibious tank

  导弹 missile

  制导炮弹 guided projectile

  制导导弹 guided missile

  短程导弹 short-range missiles

  地对地导弹 surface-to-surface missiles

  反舰导弹 anti-ship missile

  第四代战机 fourth generation jet fighter

  轰炸机 bomber fighter jet

  歼击机 attack airplane

  运输机 transport plane

  预警机 airborne warning aircraft

  空中加油机 air refueling tanker

  无人机unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV)

  卫星通讯设备satellite communication devices

  精密雷达sophisticated radar


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