

网络2015-10-22 15:03

  fifty years ago, the spot where brasilia now stands was nothing but cerrado(塞雷多,巴西mina 州的一个行政区)--short scrubby forest, stretching thousands of miles in every direction. that the entire city, this modernist architectural feat, was completed in the space of just 4 years is thanks to the will of one man, former president juscelino kubitschek. jk was elected president in 1956 on the promise that he'd move the capital inland from rio de janeiro(里约热内卢). other politicians had made similar promises to no avail(完全无用); the capital had even been mandated in article 3 of the constitution of the first brazilian republic. but few expected jk to successfully see it through.

  the site, on brazil's high interior plateau(高原), was close to rivers and had a temperate climate. but it was literally in the middle of nowhere--over 360 miles from the nearest paved road, 75 miles from the nearest railroad, and some 115 miles from the nearest airport. jk pressed ahead, and held a competition for city plans. the winning design for the master plan was submitted by a rio architect named lucio costa.

  costa's plan incorporated some curious ideas. in a country with no auto industry, the capital was designed almost exclusively for car use. activities like shopping, banking, even living were segregated in discrete lumps. but viewed from high above the city grid looked bold and monumental--shaped like an airplane in flight, or an arrow shooting forward into the future.

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