

互联网2015-12-15 10:57

  Although Sri Lanka is a mostly Buddhist country (only 7% ofpeople are Christians) Christmas is celebrated as a public holidayby everyone. Most Christians in Sri Lanka are Catholics. Therehas been influences from several different European countries.Sri Lanka (it was also called Ceylon) was ruled by thePortuguese from 1505 to 1650, the Dutch from 1658 to 1796 and the British from 1815 to 1948.


  For Christians in Sri Lanka, the Christmas season starts on 1st December when people let off firecrackers at dawn!


  The streets are decorated and the shopping centers have large Christmas Trees in them. Bigcompanies have Christmas parties and large hotels have Christmas dinner dances.


  The Christians go to Midnight Mass services all over the country. They also invite friends, bothChristian and non Christian to their homes for parties.


  New Year is also widely celebrated with more fire crackers! There are also Midnight Mass servicesfor New Year.


  In Sri Lanka Santa is called Naththal Seeya.

  在斯里兰卡,圣诞老人被称为Naththal Seeya。

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