英语词汇辨析:all right & alright
牛津词典2016-04-18 14:41
Is it acceptable to write alright as one word, rather than two separate ones? For example:
将all right 用单个单词alright来代替是不是可以接受的呢?比如:
She calls them whenever she is travelling to assure them she is alright.
事实上,alright是all right 的合并词。
Similar ‘merged’ words such as altogether and already have been accepted in standard English for a very long time, so there is no logical reason to object to the one-word form alright.
Nevertheless, many people dislike it and regard it as incorrect, so it’s best to avoid using alright in formal writing. Write it as two separate words instead:
然而,仍有很多人不喜欢alright这个词甚至认为其是错误的。因此我们在较为正式的写作中最好避免使用alright。将它写作all right这两个单词来代替:
She calls them whenever she is travelling to assure them she is all right.