
埃菲尔铁塔上可以入住 你想俯瞰巴黎?

互联网2016-05-30 16:14



  邀请你到埃菲尔铁塔上住一晚,很难不让人们联想起Airbnb已经举办很久的“奇屋一夜”。在过去几年,Airbnb在全世界搜罗特别的地标建筑,然后将其内部空间改造成民宿。最近的一次的“脑洞”是在今年4月,Airbnb邀请游客们住进了埃菲尔铁塔附近的巴黎水族馆,在鲨鱼环绕的水下房间度过一晚,并且由水下摄影师Fred Buyle担任房东。

  PARIS - Visitors to the Eiffel tower now have a chance to stay for a night in the iconic landmark,something that was never available since its opening in 1889.

  Rental company HomeAway said it was taking over part of the first floor of the 300-meterlatticework for the duration of the UEFA Euro 2016 football tournament slated for June 10 inParis, and transforming it into Hausmannian-style living quarters.

  The competition opened on Thursday for the chance to stay in the famous structure. For luckywinners, each with up to five guests, will be able to spend a night on the first level, about 52meters above the ground.

  "HomeAway is excited to offer this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend a whole night in ourluxury Eiffel Tower Apartment," the company said on its website.

  Prospective tower tourists can register by giving personal information and suggesting "Whatwould you do if the Eiffel Tower Apartment was all yours for the night"?

  The elevated apartment is under construction, with French designer Benoit Leleu in charge of theparticulars.

  The Eiffel tower has attracted more than 250 million visitors so far.



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