

沪江2016-11-21 15:25


  Maggie Rhee (you better learn that name) (Lauren Cohan) has been absent since heading off to Hilltop to get medical attention for complications with her pregnancy after her husband Glenn (Steven Yeun) was murdered in the season premiere of The Walking Dead. But she's back on "Go Getters," Sunday's episode.

  自从本季开播集中Maggie Rhee因为怀孕就医在途中被Negan他们一行人抓住并导致了巨大伤亡之后,她就没有出现在《行尸走肉》中国了,不过她将会在下周的《行尸走肉》回归。

  There was a little bit of a fake-out last week when Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) told the Saviors she was dead, but she's very much alive. She's still in Hilltop with Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) being treated by Dr. Carson (R. Keith Harris), the obstetrician we met last season.


  Recovery isn't the only reason she's in Hilltop, though: She has unfinished business with Gregory (Xander Berkeley). Maggie negotiated a deal with Gregory in which she promised that the Alexandrians would take out the Saviors in exchange for half of Hilltop's supplies. Obviously, that deal didn't work out, and Maggie probably feels like Gregory didn't adequately warn her about how strong and ruthless Negan and the Saviors really are. Don't be surprised if this episode sets up Maggie to make moves to become a leader at Hilltop who will help mobilize its residents against Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan).


  《行尸走肉》第七季Maggie离开Rick团队了?   作者:@贺小米要养龙猫|2016年11月20日 17:09双语中文英语   Maggie Rhee (you better learn that name) (Lauren Cohan) has been absent since heading off to Hilltop to get medical attention for complications with her pregnancy after her husband Glenn (Steven Yeun) was murdered in the season premiere of The Walking Dead. But she's back on "Go Getters," Sunday's episode.   自从本季开播集中Maggie Rhee因为怀孕就医在途中被Negan他们一行人抓住并导致了巨大伤亡之后,她就没有出现在《行尸走肉》中国了,不过她将会在下周的《行尸走肉》回归。   There was a little bit of a fake-out last week when Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) told the Saviors she was dead, but she's very much alive. She's still in Hilltop with Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) being treated by Dr. Carson (R. Keith Harris), the obstetrician we met last season.   上周Gabriel神父告诉救世军们,Maggie死了明显是假的,她很可能还活着。她和Sasha一起仍然在Hilltop,那里的Carson医生上一季为她诊治国。   Recovery isn't the only reason she's in Hilltop, though: She has unfinished business with Gregory (Xander Berkeley). Maggie negotiated a deal with Gregory in which she promised that the Alexandrians would take out the Saviors in exchange for half of Hilltop's supplies. Obviously, that deal didn't work out, and Maggie probably feels like Gregory didn't adequately warn her about how strong and ruthless Negan and the Saviors really are. Don't be surprised if this episode sets up Maggie to make moves to become a leader at Hilltop who will help mobilize its residents against Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan).   当然恢复健康也不是她在Hilltop的唯一原因,她和Gregory还有一些没有完成的事情。Maggie上一季和Gregory社区交换条件,她答应Alexandrians社区将会帮Gregory赶走救世军,作为条件Gregory需要交出他们的半数补给物品。很明显,这项交易没办法进行下去,Maggie可能会觉得Gregory没有提醒她救世军到底有多强大。如果本集Maggie成为Hilltop的领导者,并帮助他们抵抗Negan请不要惊讶。






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