

外研社2017-04-25 17:03

  Take care ofpets


  The responsibilities accompanying owning a family pet should beequally shared with all members of the family. Laura J. ColkerEd.D, early childhood curriculum developer and consultant,recommends that parents supervise interactions between pets andchildren, but encourages parents to allow their younger children toprovide necessities like food and water for the animals in thefamily. Dr. Colker says that allowing children to share thisresponsibility assists in the child's development of empathy.

  家庭的所有成员都应平等分担养宠物的责任。幼儿课程开发员及顾问Laura J. ColkerEd.D建议父母监督宠物和儿童之间的互动,但也鼓励父母允许自己年幼的孩子为家里的宠物提供必需品,比如喂它们食物和水。Colker博士说,让孩子们承担这一责任能帮助他们培养同情心。

  Help with siblings


  For parents raising young children, this one might be somethingyou've naturally fallen into the habit of, out of pure necessity.Toddlers might experience jealousy when a new sibling joins thefamily, but allowing your older child a role in the process can goa long way to help. Katie Blackburn, blogger atjustenoughbrave.com, admits, 'I have my four-year-old help out withsimple tasks for her little brothers. She is perfectly capable ofgrabbing mommy a diaper or more wipes when my hands are tied with alittle on.'


  Fold laundry


  Folding laundry is a task that most parents don't look forward to(or hardly get around to, by choice). Your most tedious task,according to Dr. Colker, is actually full of helpful components foryour child's development. She recommends that young children takepart in matching socks, as this not only incorporates math, butidentifying colors and shapes as well. Now you have a perfectlygood reason to set aside those mismatched socks for your littleones! Older children can help fold laundry and put their ownclothes away.


  Grocery shopping


  Dr. Balter lists this as one of the many activities children canhelp with, explaining that it provides children with theopportunity to learn a practical skill. For example, prior to atrip to the supermarket, your child can help you make your list andcheck items off as they are added to the cart. To extend thelearning experience, discuss your budget with your child before youbegin shopping, and have your child either calculate the total, ormake estimations of the total amount as you go. This incorporatesimportant math and reasoning skills that all children must have asthey become independent.




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