

新东方网整理2019-03-19 15:30


  一. 词汇手段


  1.形容词very 放在the, this, that 或代词所有格my, his等后面, 强调后边所修饰的名词。

  You are the very person I want to chat with. 


  He is the very picture of his father. 


  At that very moment the policemen came.  


  2.副词just 放在the, this, that 或代词所有格my, his等前面,强调the, this, that,my, his所修饰的名词。

  This is just the book I am looking for. 


  He is just the right person for the job. 


  3.用whatever, whenever, wherever 等分别加强what, when, where等词的语气。 

  What is left over is yours. 


  -- Whatever is left over is yours. 


  When did you find time to do it?


  -- Whenever did you find time to do it?


  Where are you going?


  -- Wherever are you going?


  Who can that be?

  那会是谁呢?-- Whoever can that be?

  那究竟会是谁呢?4.副词possibly 用于否定句或疑问句情态动词cancould后,加强否定或疑问的语气,有“无论如何, 不管怎样”的意思。

  We cannot do it. 


  -- We cannot possibly do it. 


  He can't forget it. 


  -- He can't possibly forget it. 


  Could he agree?


  -- Could he possibly agree?


  5.副词simply 用于加强语气,表示“真正,的确,非常,简直,完全”等意思。

  It is beautiful. 


  -- It is simply beautiful. 


  I can't go such stupid behavior. 


  -- I simply can't go such stupid behavior. 



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