实用口语:60句话 看看你能说对了几句?
邱政政2019-04-26 10:49
1: 这是我的女朋友。
错: This is my lover.(有情人, 情妇的含义)
对: This is my girlfriend.
错: The new office is very wide.
对: The new office is very spacious.
错: I got this computer from bargain.
对: I got this computer on sale.
错: He's so interesting.
对: He's so funny.
错: I like heavy coffee.
对: I like strong coffee.
6: 能给我减价吗?
错: Price down?
对: Can I get a discount?
错: He is emotional(情绪化)
对: He is sensitive.
8: 我是免费得到的。
错: I got it without money.
对: I got it for free.
错: It's our first time to meet.
对: We've never met before.
10: 晚上我想和朋友出去玩。
错: I want to play with my friends tonight.
对: I want to hang out /go out with my friends tonight.
11: 她是新来的。
错: She came here newly.
对: She's new here.
12: 我化妆。
错: I make my face.
对: I put on my makeup.
错: He drank all of his soup.
对: He ate all of his soup.
在英语中, soup也是food的一种, 所以很少用drink, 更多用eat或have。
错: I can't find my keys somewhere.
对: I can't find my keys anywhere.
错: I was waiting by 3:00.
对: I was waiting until 3:00.
16: 你有多少巧克力。
错: How many chocolates do you have?
对: How much chocolate do you have?
17: 能借我点钱吗?
错: Could you borrow some money to me?
对: Could you lend some money to me?
18: 我把他错当成别人了。
错: I mistook him.
对: I mistake him for someone else.
19: 我很无聊。
错: I'm boring.
对: I'm bored.
20: 我厌倦了那个电视节目。
错: That TV show is tired.
对: I'm tired of that TV show.