
实用口语:“Can you make it?”是什么意思吗?

小学英语2019-07-22 14:40

  Hi, kids! Thank you for having me here again. You know, tomorrow is my birthday. I’m going to have a birthday party in my house tomorrow night. Can you make it?

  老师的这个开场白,乍一听,好像都听懂了,也没有陌生单词,可是“Can you make it?”是什么鬼?“我能做吗?”“我会不会做生日聚会?……“好像都说不通。哈哈,如果你这样直译的话确实会跑偏。但其实这是一句非常地道的日常用语,意为 ”你能做到吗?“”你能来吗?“”你能行吗?“。

  (1). I’m so sorry, something’s come up. I’m afraid I can’t make it to your dinner. 很抱歉,出了点事。我恐怕不能如约到晚宴了。

  (2). I believe you are able to make it .


  (3). Hey, we are going to hang out on weekend. Can you make it Sunday afternoon?嘿,我们周末要去逛街,你周日下午能来吗?

  (4). I don’t know if I can make it in art.


  (5). I have to be at the airport at five. Can you make it?


  (6). What time can you make it? 你几点能来?

  (7). I can make it in ten minutes. 我十分钟内能赶到。

  (8). I’m sorry, I can’t make it. 对不起,我做不到。

  (9). Oh, you make it. Come in, please. 哦,你来啦。快请进。

  好啦,以上都是日常会用到的一些表达。是时候总结一下make it 的意思了。是不是能跟上面的例句匹配上呢?


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