

初中英语2019-09-09 11:40

  二十三、语言困难( Language Difficulties )

  1、当不知某个词的发音时,用How do you pronounce...?这个词你怎么读?

  2、当不知某个词的汉语意思时,用What‘s the Chinese meaning of the word...?...词的汉语意思是什么?类似的表过还有:What do you mean by...in Chinese?/What’s the Chinese for...?/ What does ...mean in Chinese?

  3、当不知某个词的拼写时,用Could/can you spell the word?你能拼一下这个词吗?


  用I‘m sorry, I didn’t quite follow(catch)you.对不起,请再说一遍时,可用下列句型表达:I‘m afraid I didn’t follow (catch)起,我没有听懂(清).

  5、当没听懂(清)对方所说的话或请求对方再重复you./Would you mind I repeating that?/pardon ?Beg your pardon?/ I beg your pardon?/ Could you say that again ?/Would you please say that again?/Would you please say that more slowly?


  用:Is that clear?/Have I made myself clear?/Do you see what I mean ?/ Do you understand?

  7、当不知如何表达某一意思时,用:I‘m sorry, I know only a little English. I don’t know how to say it in English(I don‘t know the exact word in English),but it is some thing like...对不起,我仅懂一点点英语.我不知如何用英语表达这个词(我不知道英语中能表达该意思的准确的词),但它有点象....

  8、当表示在语言某方面上有无困难时,可用 I have some(no, much, little, a little,some) difficulty (trouble)in pronouncing(spelling,......) .......意为“在做某事方面有一些(没有、很多、很少、有一点困难).”或用have some (no,little,a little,much ,any)difficulty(trouble) with sth.

  9、订正或澄清错误时,用:I‘m sorry, I have made a mistake.对不起,我犯了个错误.I’m sorry, I should have said...对不起,我本该说....That‘s not what I meant.我不是那个意思.What I mean is ...我的意思是....I’ll try to explain that again,我将尽力再解释一下.


  1、Look out!/Be careful!/ Take care!

  这三个句子都作“当心、小心”解,look out语气最强,往往用于某种紧急的情况或可能出现危险的场合,其后接for短语.take care语气没有那样强,多用于对可能出现的不测作出预先的提醒或警告,其后可接不定式短语或that从句,从句的谓语动词用一般现在时.be careful可代替look out和take care,其后也可接不定式以及about, with等介词短语.


  Don‘t do sth.......or......不要干某事,否则....If you.......you’ll......如果你...,你就会...


  Don‘t smoke!不准抽烟!/ Don’t be late!不要迟到!/ Don‘t take pictures here!不要在此拍照!/ No smoking!不准抽烟!/ No parking!不准停车!/ No spitting!不要随地吐痰!

  4、用can‘t / mustn’t表示禁止和警告.


  What‘s your nationality?Are you American...?你是哪国人?/ 你是美国人吗?/ Are you from American / Britain... ?你是美国人/英国人...吗?/ Where are you from ?你是哪里人?/ What country are you from ?你是哪个国家的?/ What are you?你是干什么的?/ Who are you?你是谁?/ What’s your name?你叫什么名字?

  二十六、谈论爱好Talking about Hobbies.


  What are your hobbies?你的爱好是什么?/ What do you often do in your free/ spare time?你在业余时间经常做什么?/ What are your favorite sports?你最喜爱的运动是什么?/ Do you like+drawing/ playing chess....?你喜欢绘画/下棋....?/ What are you interested in after work?下班后你对什么有兴趣?


  My hobby is.....我的爱好是...... / I enjoy+watching Tv/ listening to music......我喜欢看电视 / 听音乐....../ I like /love + collecting stamps /fishing......我喜欢集邮 / 钓鱼....../ I find.....very interesting.我觉得.......很有趣.

  二十七 、表示遗憾、同情的交际用语

  1、be afraid that.......恐怕......

  2、It‘s a pity(that).....真是很遗憾..... 这是表示遗憾的交际用语,后面跟的that从句就是所指的遗憾的事情.在口语中that常可省略.

  3、What a pity/shame!真是遗憾!(真可惜!)用的是省略的感叹句.(语气较随便)

  表示同情时常用I‘m sorry to hear......或I’m so sorry.来表达,hear后可接that也可接that从句,表示“听说......我很难过”,注意I‘m so sorry.在意思上不同于道歉.


  I. 询问对方的意愿

  1、What do you want/plan/intend/hope to do...?/你想要/计划/打算/希望干什么?

  应答时用:I want / plan / intend / hope to do...我想要/计划/打算/希望干什么.

  注意:在动词want / plan / intend / hope...之后要接不定式(而不接动名词形式)作宾语.

  2、What‘s your plan for ...?(What are your plans for...?)你有...有什么计划?

  应签时可用I plan / intend / hope + to do ...或视其具体情况作答.

  3、What do you feel like doing?你想做什么呢?在答语“I feel like doing.....”之后还可跟名词.

  4、What would you like to do sth?你想做什么呢?答语“I‘d like to(do sth.)”是“I would like”的省略,后跟动词原形.

  II. 表示希望用的句型:

  I want / wish / hope to....我希望做什么 / I hope + that - clause. 我希望... / I wish + that - clause.但愿...

  注意:上述句型中,在I hope / wish 之后跟由that引导的宾语从句.在口语中,that常可省略.在I wish后的宾语从句中用陈述语气;在that后的宾语从句中用虚拟语气.

  二十九、 表示判断和意见

  What do you think of....?/ How do you like....?/How did you find......?你认为......怎么样?

  What‘s you opinion of......?你对........的看法是什么?Tell us what you think about/ of.......谈谈你对的.......看法?We’d like to have your views/ opinions about.......我们想听听你对......的看法?

  Well done/ Good work!很好!干得不错!Not bad.不错!It certainly is.的确如此.It‘s correct to do(sth)......是对的.It seems (to me) that-clause.(在我看来)好象.......In my opinion,...../ As I see it, ...依我看,......So far as I know, ... / From what I know/ understand......就我所知,......I would say......我认为......I think / believe / suppose......很可能......I’m sure......我确信......I don‘t think......我认为....不...It doesn’t seem possible that-clause,.........好象不可能.


  1、What‘s your opinion?你的看法呢?

  In my opinion ...据我看,...

  2、Do you think it is...?你可认为...吗?

  Yes,I think so./No,I don‘t think so.是的,我也这样认为.不,我不这样认为.

  / Yes,I agree with you.是的,我同意你的看法.

  / No,I don‘t agree with you.不,我不同意你的看法.

  3、What do you think about it?你对这事是怎么看的.

  I think / I believe...你认为.....

  4、Would you like+名词或不定式?

  此句型用来询问别人的愿望的,其简略答语是I‘d like to或I’d love to我愿意。





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