

互联网2020-02-28 14:47



  1.“看”:look; see; watch; observe; notice; catch sight of; stare; glare; glance; glimpse; see a film; watch TV

  2.“说”:telll sth to sb.=tell sb sth; talk with sb about sth; say sth; speak in English; whisper sth to sb; inform sb of sth; reason /talk/persuade sb into doing sth; bargain; chat; repeat; explain; warn; remind; discuss; debate; figure; declare; claim; mention; admit; deny; describe; announce; introduce; complain

  3.“叫”:cry; call; shout; scream; moan; sigh; quarrel

  4.“问”:ask; interview; express; question

  5.“答”:answer; respond; reply

  6.“听”:listen to; hear; pick up; overhear

  7. “笑”:smile; laugh; burst into laughter; burst out laughing

  8.“哭”:cry; shed tears; weep; sob; burst into tears /burst out crying

  9.“吃/喝”:eat/drink; sip; have a meal; have supper; toast; taste; treat sb to; help oneself to

  10. “穿”:put on; wear; have on; be dressed in; make up; get changed; be in red; take off ; remove

  11.“行”:walk ; run ; climb; jump; skip; slip; come/go; enter; move; drive; ride; fly; crawl

  12.“坐”:sit down; be seated; seat oneself; take a seat,stand; lean

  13.“睡/休息”:lie /on one’s back/on one's side/ on one’s stomach; stay in bed; have a rest; take a nap; be asleep; bend; turn over; rest

  14.“写”:dictate; write sth; describe; drop a line; draw; take down/write down

  15.“拿/放”:take; bring; hold; carry; fetch; lif; put; lay; pull; push

  16.“抓”:take hold of; seize; grasp; scratch

  17.“打”:hit; beat; strike; blow; attack

  18.“扔”:throw; drop; fall; wave; shake

  19.“送”:send; deliver; give; offer; see off

  20.“摸/抱”:ouch; fold; embrace; hug; hold; in one’s arms

  21.“踢/碰”:kick; knock; tip

  22.“找/查”:find; look for; find out; discover/explore; hunt for; search for;seek,seek for in search of; search sb; search sp. for sth; check; examine; test; inspect

  23.“得”:get; obtain; acquire; gain; possess

  24.“失”:lose; be lost /be missing/gone; great loss

  25.“有”:have; own; conquer; occupy;possess

  26.“无”:nothing left; the remaining thing; disappear; be missing /gone

  27.“增/减”:rise / go up,drop; raise; bring down /reduce; increase/decrease

  28.“买/卖”:buy; purchase; afford; pay; pay off ; pay for; sell; on sale; bargain; bill / cheque / cash/credit card/notes/coins; discounts

  29.“存在/消失”:come into being; exist; appear; survive ; live; show; turn up; disappear; die; die out; pass away; be out of sight

  30.“变化”:develop; improve ; become; grow; go+ bad /wrong/ sour;turn + colour; change /change into; reform


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