

沪江2015-02-10 14:31

  There is the mystical Da Hong Pao, the most expensive tea in the world.It has just gone on the menu for the first time at the Royal China Club in London, a swish Chinese restaurant in Baker Street beloved of wealthy connoisseurs of oriental gourmet exotica.


  restaurant n.餐馆。现代意义上的餐馆出现于1765年的巴黎,卖汤食的小贩Boulanger在摊位前立起了标牌,上面写着"Boulanger débite des restaurants divins",意思是(Boulanger sells divine restaurants)。这里的restaurant本来指的是能让人“restore”精力和活力的“汤”,后来词义转为能用餐的饭馆。

  Here, the Da Hong Pao is served reverentially by pretty girls wearing fuchsia lipstick; brought forth on a bamboo tray and poured from a £400 hand-painted clay teapot. It costs £180 a pot, which means it is about £40 for one tiny porcelain cup of tea.


  Yet that seems cheap, compared with what is to come. The tea is part of a £1,500-per-head menu, surely the most expensive in the country, which the restaurant serves to its most demanding customers. It must be arranged in advance, according to availability of ingredients, and features six courses of the most exotic and highly-prized Chinese dishes.



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