21英语2015-08-19 14:12
你以为只有iPhone6S是粉色的吗?K记(肯德基)最近居然也开始跟风了。最近肯德基在中国推出了一款粉色汉堡,名字还起得很洋气——玫瑰芝士鸡腿堡(the Rose cheese roasted chickenleg burger)。
其实人家是一对儿撞色汉堡:一黑一粉,“粉墨登场”,黑的叫做“黑钻培根辣鸡腿堡”(the Black diamond bacon spicy chickenleg burger)名字起得这么文艺,让大家好生期待。而这 两款限量版的汉堡一推出却受到了快餐控们无情的吐槽:我们只想好好吃个汉堡,不可以么?
The coloured bun is the latest fad in fast food as restaurants compete to produce the most eye-catching burgers in a rainbow of hues.
After the McDonald's black burger and Burger King's scarlet creation, KFC China has nowsandwiched its chicken leg patty with cheese between two pink buns.
The fast food giant introduced the unusual new burger to its summer menu, along with anotherfried option wedged between black buns.But fast food fans have taken to Instagram to share theirown experience of the bizarre meals, which appear quite different in reality to the pictures in theads.
【Key Points】
彩色汉堡俨然成了快餐业的最新潮流,最新潮流可以用latest fad表示,fad是“时尚,一时流行的热潮”的意思,例:Now, addiction seems to be a fad among celebrities: They go out and claimthemselves addicts. (现在自称对某种事物上瘾在社会名流中很时髦:他们参加各种活动,并声称是"…控"。),另外fad还可以指“短暂的兴趣”,例:a passing fad(三分钟热度)。
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