爱语吧2016-02-23 17:42
Three glasses of champagne a day can prevent dementia,claimed news stories last week. Enough to make anyone crackopen the Cristal. The reports were based on a study from theUniversity of Reading that was carried out three years ago butresurfaced last week via social media. The researchers foundthat drinking champagne improved spatial memory – the abilityto navigate to wherever you want to go (for example, gettinghome after the pub). Champagne contains chardonnay mixedwith pinot noir and pinot meunier, two black grapes thatcontain phenolic acids, which are thought to reduce inflammation and may protect brain cells.
So far so good but, unless you are a rodent, there is no evidence that quaffing champagne willpreserve your cognitive function. The study was done not on humans but on 24 mature rats. Therats were divided into groups of eight and either champagne, another fizzy alcoholic drink or acarbonated soft drink was mixed into their feed. Over six weeks, researchers measured the rats’ability to get through a maze to locate a treat and found that the champagne drinkers weresignificantly better at the task.
When the rats’ brains were examined under a microscope, those who had drunk champagneshowed increased amounts of proteins that stimulate the formation of nerve-cell networks and areinvolved in memory and learning. In particular, these rats had more of a protein called dystrophinin the hippocampus region of the brain, which may protect against loss of reasoning and spatialmemory.
However different rats are from humans, the laboratory rodent has been widely used as a modelfor human disease, especially for research into stroke, heart disease, diabetes and breast cancer.So are there implications in this study for humans? Disappointing news for champagne lovers –the rats were given just 1.78ml per kilo of body weight – the human equivalent would be one anda half flutes a week.
If you really want to justify a glass of champagne on health grounds, you can always quotephysicians of the 19th century, who swore it could dissolve kidney stones, cure anaemia and keepyou healthy.