

爱语吧2018-05-22 09:56

  This beauty does her fair share of working out among celebrities and takes staying fit very seriously! She has long, intense training hours, which bring rewarding results. Scarlett even does most of her own stunts on the filming set, without needing a stunt double. This can be pretty challenging, especially when we’re talking about films like The Avengers or Lucy. So what’s her secret formula for getting and maintaing a strong, fit body? Well, her workout routine includes several exercises, though Tabata training is the one she mostly focuses on!


  So what is this Tabata training all about? How does it work and will I survive if I try it? Well, this training formula was researched and pinned by Dr. Izumi Tabata in 1996. He was an athletic researcher who applied his training formula to Japan’s Olympic speed skating team. His work had an impressive effect on the aerobic and anaerobic capacities of the team and it is now known and practiced in many parts of the world.

  那么Tabata训练是什么?它是如何工作的,如果我想尝试它,我可以做到吗?那么这个训练公是在1996年,由Izumi Tabata博士研究和创建的。他是一名体育研究员,他将他的这种训练方法应用到了日本的奥运速度滑冰队日常训练中。这对球队成员的有氧和无氧能力有明显的提升,现在该训练方法在世界的许多地方都已经得到推广。

  The Tabata formula (or regimen) is fairly simple. It goes by the principle that your body is your own gym and it is a form of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout. This means it’s time efficient and scientifically proven to glass off fat! The formula: 20 seconds intense workout (as many reps as you can do of a certain exercise – take squats for example);10 seconds rest;8 sets (repeat the procedure 8 times in a row)


  This gives you a total Tabata work time of 4 minutes. You can combine any exercise you like, add weights and spice things up! Scarlett’s Tabata routine lasts around 45 minutes and includes a high diversity of exercises that cover (almost) all the muscle groups in the body! Pretty intense, huh?



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