沪江2015-05-20 14:00
DO: Flaunt your style
What man doesn’t relish in lusting over a well-cut suit? If you’ve got a strong look going in that new bow tie or leather jacket, don’t be timid in showing it off and treating your followers to some aspirational eye candy at the same time. Many of the most popular men on Instagram are either models or fashion photographers - and there’s a reason for that. Another tip - if there’s one thing Insta-people really like, it’s a good-looking watch. So next time you’re looking #menstyle, post it up and watch the likes roll in.
Do it like: David Gandy (@davidgandy_official, 316k followers). He’s best known for being snapped in his pants but Mr Gandy’s formal wardrobe is also worthy of some serious envy.
比如这样:大卫·甘迪(@ davidgandy官方账号,316,000粉丝)。大卫·甘迪的内衣秀很出名,他的便装照一样抓人眼球哦。