

新东方网整理2018-03-28 16:13



  让我们先达成一致,占星术(Astrology)就是胡扯。占星术的基本前提是,在你出生的那一刻,所有行星的综合引力决定了你的性格。这个前提本身就站不住脚。牛顿说过,任何大型物体的引力与它的距离的平方成反比。像海王星这样的巨型行星,距离地球27亿英里 (44亿公里),这么遥远的距离,它在你出生时能对你施加的引力能有多大呢?


  有无数的事情影响婴儿在子宫内的发育。准妈妈的营养肯定起着作用,在饥荒期间出生的婴儿比在繁荣时期出生的婴儿脆弱。即使在发达世界,食物充足的地方,蛋白质、维生素C或维生素D缺乏的母体饮食也会影响胎儿的大脑、心脏或骨骼的发育。季节性病毒,尤其是流感会影响孕妇健康和胎儿发育。如果妊娠期在冬季,由于冬季短暂的白天和漫长的夜晚,可能会让母亲患上季节性情感紊乱 (SAD),母体大脑的低血清素水平可能会导致胎儿患上类似病症。


  最近六年的一系列研究试图将这些发现扩展到人类身上。研究人员对大学生和成年人的性格进行了分析,然后追溯到他们的出生季节,寻找广泛的季节性模式。如果说以下结论是初步的,他们已经找到了。(东方君温馨提醒: 你的结果可能会有所不同,请勿对号入座。)



  Congratulations,March,April and May babies,you score high on the hyperthymia(情感高涨) scale — which is actually good. Hyperthymia is general optimism — the ability to see every down as a prelude(前奏) to an up,every market crash as a run-up(助跑) to a boom. But that comes at a price: spring babies are also more susceptible to the precise opposite of hyperthymia: clinical depression. Ground zero for the condition — according to a massive study of 58,000 subjects in the U.K. in 2012 — is among people born in May. November babies have the lowest depression rates.


  对6月、7月和8月出生的婴儿来说,大部分是好消息。你不会有季节性不适(冬季因日照时间缩短而引发的精力不济)——至少,在你出生后光照水平对你没有什么影响,尽管在你妈妈怀着你的月份(12月、1月和 2月),可能对你妈妈有些影响。夏季出生的婴儿跟春季出生的婴儿一样,有相同的“情感高涨”特征,但高涨的情绪可以被 躁郁情绪抵消,即情绪时好时坏。不过,这可能不是双相情感障碍的信号,8月出生的婴儿的双相情感障碍的诊断率最低。

  It's mostly glad tidings(消息) for June,July and August babies. No SAD* for you — at least nothing caused by the light levels after your birth,though there may be some impact from mom having carried you in December,January and February. Summer babies have some of the same hyperthymic characteristics as spring babies,but that can be offset by cyclothymia — rapid cycling between high and low moods. Still,that's probably not a warning sign of bipolar disorder(双相情感障碍); bipolar diagnoses are lowest among babies born in August.

  * SAD: abbreviation for seasonal affective disorder: a medical condition in which a person does not have much energy and enthusiasm during the winter because of the reduced period of natural light 季节性不适(冬季因日照时间缩短而引发的精力不济)


  对于那些相信占星术的人 (我们已经提到过,它是胡言乱语的,对吗?) 大部分秋季婴儿的安静性格似乎提供了证据,至少天秤座的标志——平衡的天平——和这点有关系。这当然不是了!但是否是因为秋季的丰收可提供丰富的养分,亦或是冬天的漫长夜晚和季节性疾病还没有降临这个事实,秋天出生的人很少抑郁,且同样很少人患双相情感障碍。秋天出生的人有一个小毛病:他们确实有易怒的倾向。

  For people who believe in astrology (we've mentioned that it's hooey,right?) the general equanimity of fall babies seems to provide evidence that at least the sign of Libra(天秤座出生的人) — the well-balanced scales — has something going for it. It doesn't of course,but whether the cause is the bountiful nutrients available at harvest time,or the fact that the long nights and seasonal illness of winter have not yet descended(降临),people born in fall not only enjoy low levels of depression,but are similarly less likely to develop bipolar disorder. The one glitch(小毛病) in the autumn-born: they do have a tendency to irritability(易怒).



  Buckle up,babies,things could get rough. Among the challenges facing people with winter birthdates are higher levels of schizophrenia(精神分裂症),bipolar disorder,SAD and depression. That's a nasty handful,but there are a few compensations: winter babies are less irritable than those born in fall. What's more,according to an admittedly small 2015 study of 300 celebrities,January and February are the right months to be born if you want to be famous since those months correlate with creativity and imaginative problem-solving.



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