

沪江2015-02-02 09:57

  Known for their remarkable feats of strength, this tiny ant has proven it's no weakling by effortlessly picking up a caterpillar using its jaws.


  The determined weaver ant bumped into the green insect while walking across a branch and decided to pick it up to move it out of the way.


  Remarkably, it then bit the caterpillar and lifted it above its head in a 'clean and jerk' weightlifting action.


  The powerful ant, which is just one centimetre long, did not appear to struggle handling the five-centimetre long insect.


  Teenager Frenki Jung captured the special moment in his back garden in Sambas, Indonesia.

  印度尼西亚少年法兰基(Frenki Jung)在自己位于三发的家中后花园抓拍到了这一特殊时刻。

  The 17-year-old said: 'The red ant bit the caterpillar before lifting it up above its head while walking on a branch. These ants are known for their strength and it seemed like it was doing it to test itself.'


  Frenki, a student, added: 'I was amazed by what I saw - it was fascinating.'


  Weaver ants are primarily found throughout Asia and Australia, where colonies can contain up to half a million workers.


  Due to the size of their colonies, they consume a large amount of food and continuously kill other small insects.


  Because they often prey on agricultural pests, they are also used as effective bio-controlagents throughout Asia and Australia.


  As the caterpillar begins curling up to protect itself, the weaver ant keeps a firm grip while a fellow worker ant climbs onto it.


  Due to the size of weaver ant colonies, the workers consume a large amount of food and are continuously killing other small insects such as caterpillars.


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