

新东方英语微信2019-08-21 17:42

时事 百科 科技 美食 心理 身体奥秘





  就猫语言的问题,亲子知识网Winnie创始人之一,猫咪爱好者Anne K. Halsall给出了一个很清楚的解答:


  Cats do not have a "language" in this sense. Verbal communication between cats is not mapped to abstract concepts the way our words are. There is no syntax or lexicon one can learn to understand them.

  猫没有我们概念中的“语言”。猫与猫之间的口头交流(verbal communication)并不会像我们所使用的词语那样,与抽象概念相联系(be mapped to)。也没有语法或者词汇,可以通过学习加以理解。


  That said, like all intelligent animals, cats are very effective communicators. They employ a number of techniques to come to a shared understanding with each other, and even other species.

  话虽这样说,就像所有智慧生物(intelligent animals)一样,猫也是非常高效的交流者。它们之间会运用(employ)很多手段(techniques)来达到相互理解。

  Like a soldier with a gun, you don't need to exchange abstract ideas to get the point across.



  Whether instinctive or learned, all cats seem to understand a set of signals from each other. These include, but are not limited to:

  不管是天生的本能(instinctive)还是后来习得的能力,似乎所有猫都能够理解一系列彼此间的信号。这些信号包括但不限于(include, but not limited to):

  Body language. This is the primary way cats communicate their mood and assert their relationship to the other animal. An arched back says "get away from me." A swishing tail signifies irritation or anxiety. Flattened ears show fear and submission. A nose bump or sniff is a friendly greeting.

  肢体语言。这是猫与猫之间交流情绪,以及向其他动物声明(assert)关系的最主要方法。弓背是说“离我远点”;嗖嗖甩尾巴是表达恼怒(signify irritation)与焦虑;耳朵趴下去是显示害怕以及服从(submission);碰鼻子或者嗅嗅则是友善的问好。

  Scent. Cats are territorial. They may not erect physical signs saying KEEP OUT but they do leave scent markers that other cats recognize and know to respect.

  气味。猫是有地盘意识的动物。它们可能不会竖起(erect)写有“禁止入内”的牌子,不过它们会留下气味印记(leave scent marker),这样其他猫能识别出(recognize)这种印记,且知道要去遵从(respect)。

  Vocalization. Vocalizations set the atmosphere for an interaction. A gentle chirp says the cat feels in control. Low growls indicate warning or anger. Loud, harsh yowls are a sign of distress. If two cats are fighting in silence, it's more than likely just play. If they are spitting and hissing, it's the real deal.

  发声。发声为交流设定了氛围(set the atmosphere)。轻声鸣叫说明猫感觉有掌控力,低声吼叫意味着(indicate)警告或愤怒,而大声刺耳的嚎叫则是焦虑(distress)的标志。如果两只猫不出声地打架,更有可能(more than likely)它们不过是闹着玩;但如果它们向对方发出咕噜咕噜或者嘶嘶的声音,就是真打了(the real deal)。

  Aggression. Everyone understands what it means when you rake a set of razor-sharp claws across their nose.



  Cats can read each other very effectively using these cues, and they seem to manage a delicate social balance with a minimum of fuss.

  猫可以利用这些线索(cue)非常有效地解读彼此,而且它们似乎还能在麻烦最小(a minimum of fuss)的同时,掌握好微妙的社会关系平衡(delicate social balance)。

  You can learn to read them too, and once you do, you will find you always have a pretty strong sense of what your cat is feeling. You may even learn to "talk" to them without ever saying a word.

  你也可以试着去学怎么解读这些信号。一旦学会了,你会发现自己对猫的感受具有很强的意识(have a strong sense)。你甚至或许能学会如何不用一字一词,就能“说出”猫的语言。


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