

英语点津2015-02-04 10:08

  You may have thought all superyachts were created equal. Butaccording to one designer, there is a gap in the market forvessels targeted at the fairer sex.


  In case the world's most powerful women don't want to splash out on the regular millionaires' toyson the market, luxury designer Lidia Bersani has created the first luxury mega yacht with a femalein mind.

  奢侈品设计师莉迪亚·贝尔萨尼(Lidia Bersani)认为世界上最有权势的女性不见得会把钱挥霍在一般百万富翁经常花费的地方,因此她为女性打造了第一艘全球巨型豪华游艇。

  The sleek white and gold yacht, measuring an impressive 262ft, is targeted at female buyers and isdesigned using crystal, gold, fur and flowers. It is even named La Belle, which translates as 'thebeauty'.

  这艘乳白与金黄相间的游艇全长竟达262英尺(约为80米),目标群体是女性买家,并用水晶、黄金、毛皮以及鲜花作为装饰。游艇甚至名为“拉·贝尔”(La Belle),译为“美丽”。

  The 80-metre superyacht is not for the faint hearted. It's a riot of opulent gold mosaics, mother ofpearl, Swarovski crystal chandeliers, gemstones, onyx and bespoke wooden furniture.


  The boat's design revolves around soft edges, smooth lines, floral patterns and a large amount ofglass, crystal and bright white.


  Lidia Bersani's website says of La Belle: '[The] Yacht is in distinctive Bersani Style, romantic andwarm. The colors in white, ivory and gold are predominant. Interior is full of opulent andcomfortable elements.'


  The vessel could comfortably sleep 12 guests in six deluxe cabins.


  The master cabin on the second deck has a round king size double bed, private terrace, thickcurtains, gold touches and floral carpeting.



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