
御驾亲征 约旦国王欲上前线空袭ISIS

沪江2015-02-06 15:08

  Jordan’s King Abdullah ibn al-Hussein, who has trained as a pilot, may fly a bomberhimself on Thursday in the country’s retaliation against the ISIS.


  Several Arabic-language newspapers reported late Wednesday that the monarch would personally participate in bombing raids on the terrorist group, citing his vow Tuesday to “strike them in their strongholds.”


  The king was in Washington when news broke Tuesday of pilot Muadh al-Kasasbeh’sdemise at the hands of ISIS extremists. Meeting with the House Armed Services Committee shortly before leaving for Amman, he reportedly quoted the Clint Eastwood’s film “Unforgiven” and said that Jordan would pursue the jihadis until it ran “out of fuel and bullets.”


  Rep. Duncan Hunter, who was in the meeting, told Fox News that given the ruler’s immediate and vehement reaction, “King Abdullah is not President Obama.”


  Jordan, which has been a key American ally in the air war against ISIS, killed a number of ISIS-affiliated prisoners early Wednesday, as it had promised should Kasasbeh turn out to be dead, prior to the news of his immolation. Some have warned that the terrorist group deliberately deployed news of Kasasbeh’s fate in order to provoke a Jordanian overreaction. But public outcry in Jordan before and after the news seems to havepressured the government into a strong response, regardless of strategy.


  Meanwhile, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Tuesday that “nothing’s going to change” in U.S. policy toward ISIS as a result of Kasasbeh’s murder.


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