匈牙利胡子节 爆笑酷炫胡子造型来袭!(组图)
沪江2015-05-27 09:58
Juergen Burkhardt
Facial hair is often criticised for being scruffy and unhygienic, but for these men, it is a way of life.
Having spent years perfecting and styling their beards, they finally had the chance to show off their eye-catching efforts in front of fellow.
Sporting Dalis, goatees and Hungarians, their aim was to take home thecoveted prize for best facial hair at the 7th Kunsag Beard Festival in Kiskunfelegyhaza, south of Budapest, Hungary.
Juergen Burkhardt from Germany carefully curled his beard into three large sections for the festival.
图为来自德国的于尔根·伯克哈特(Juergen Burkhardt)仔细将自己的胡子左右两边梳成三缕,并使胡子卷曲起来。