

新东方网2015-07-20 16:23朱梦琪

  Armpits or Not: Feminism or Fashion?


  Recently women dyeing their armpits hair started to become a trend. It all started with some feminist organizations that call for the freedom of armpits hair’s growing since several years ago. In 2015, activists of armpits hair rights in China took the chance and initiate a campaign on Internet. A good number of girls jumped in the contest of “Most Beautiful Armpit Hair” on Weibo and proudly posted their cute pictures with their cute armpit hair. However, the growing and dyeing armpits hair is often labeled with “feminism”. Is it really a matter of feminism or just a fashion revival? Because just a couple of decades ago, girls with natural armpit hair were not receiving negative comments as they are today. If you still don’t believe it, ask your mom.


  Here is the report on women who dye their armpit hair from New York Times:


  “Nobody questions when a guy wearing a tank top does a selfie that shows his armpit hair,” Destiny Moreno, who is 17, said. “But if I happen to show my armpit hair in a selfie, it’s like, ‘Whoa, feminist witch asking for attention.’ ”

  “当男生穿着背心自拍了一张露出腋毛的照片时,没有人会有什么疑问,”17岁的Destiny Moreno说“但是如果我不小心在自拍里露出了腋毛,就好像是 ‘哇,女权主义者又开始哗众取宠了。’”

  Destiny then decided to become one of the rebellious. She drove to a Sally Beauty Supply in Seattle with a newly hatched plan. She peppered a grandmotherly employee with questions about hair bleaches, developers and dyes, and the woman asked matter-of-factly if she were coloring her hair.


  “I was like, ‘Oh, I’m dyeing my armpit hair,’ ” Ms. Moreno said. “She stared at me shellshocked for five seconds, and then she started laughing and was laughing throughout the entire interaction.”

  “我说 ‘哦,我是要染腋毛,’Moreno说。“她震惊地看了我五秒钟,然后开始大笑,一直持续到我们的对话结束。”

  She settled on Voodoo Blue by Manic Panic, and the next day posted a video on YouTube in which she wears a tank top and proudly raises her arms to show turquoise-colored armpit hair. The video has had more than 264,000 views. After she stopped shaving her underarms a few months before, Ms. Moreno drew plenty of negative comments, and dyeing her armpits bright colors — she has since also gone with hot pink, purple, green, neon yellow and orange — has been something of an act of defiance.

  她选定了Manic Panic牌的Voodoo Blue,第二天她就在youtube上上传了一个由她穿着背心自豪展现她蓝绿色腋毛的视频。视频如今已有了26.4万点击量。早在几月前Moreno就停止刮腋毛了,她因此招致了很多负面评价,所以她把腋毛染成各种亮色,像火热粉红,紫色,绿色,霓虹黄和橘,作为一种反叛之举。


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