

英语点津2015-07-22 15:08

  Jet-setting stallions and high-flying hounds at New York’sKennedy airport can look forward to a new luxury terminal thatwill handle the more than 70,000 animals flying in and out everyyear.

  纽约肯尼迪机场(Kennedy airport )里搭乘飞机的种马和猎犬可以期待搬入一座全新的豪华航站楼了,这一航站楼每年可接待7万多只动物“飞”进“飞”出。

  The ARK at JFK, its name inspired by Noah’s biblical vessel, will more than measure up to terminalsfor humans: horses and cows will occupy sleek, climate-controlled stalls with showers, and dogs willlounge in hotel suites featuring flat-screen TVs. A special space for penguins will allow them matingprivacy.

  肯尼迪机场的这座动物航站楼名为“方舟”,灵感来自《圣经》中诺亚(Noah)所造的船,规格远超普通航站楼标准:马厩和牛棚十分豪华,气候可控,还可以淋浴;狗狗则居住在配有平板电视(flat-screen TV)的酒店套间里;对于企鹅,还设有特殊空间保障它们亲密接触的隐私。

  The ARK is billed as the world’s first air terminal for animals.


  Set to open next year, the $48m, 178,000-square-foot (16,500-square-meter) shelter andquarantine facility will take in every kind of animal imaginable — even an occasional sloth oraardvark. From The ARK, they’ll head to barns, cages, racetracks, shows and competition venuesin the United States and abroad.


  Many arriving animals are quarantined for a period of time (for horses, it’s normally about threedays) to make sure they’re not carrying contagious diseases. And The ARK is designed to maketheir stay as pleasant as possible, with hay-lined stalls for up to 70 horses and 180 head of cattle,plus an aviary and holding pens for goats, pigs and sheep.


  For dog owners, The ARK will offer a 20,000-sqf (1,860-sqm) luxury “resort” run by the companyParadise 4 Paws, complete with bone-shaped splashing pools, massage therapy and “pawdicureswith colored nail pawlish.” Dogs can watch flat-screen TVs and their owners can check in on themvia webcam.

  “方舟”会给宠物犬提供由Paradise 4 Paws公司运作的占地20000平方英尺(1860平方米)的奢华“度假胜地”,这里有骨头形状的戏水池,按摩以及“美爪修爪”的服务。狗狗们可以在这里看平板电视,它们的主人则可以通过网络摄像头查看它们的情况。

  Cats will have their own trees to climb. And all animals will have access to a 24-hour clinic run byCornell University’s veterinary college.

  猫咪们则有供攀爬的树。所有的动物都可以在康奈尔大学(Cornell University)兽医学院管理的24小时无休诊所接受治疗。

  Even animals that don’t need to be quarantined — a huge dog that can’t fit in the cabin and hasto travel as cargo, for example — will be held at thefacility until departure or pickup by its owner.


  “A lot of our design making is in collaboration with veterinarians and consultants to help minimizethe amount of stress placed on the animal,” said Cliff Bollmann, a leading airport architect workingon The ARK for the San Francisco-based architecture firm Gensler.

  “方舟”的主设计师克里夫·伯尔曼(Cliff Bollmann)说:“我们的很多设计是与兽医和顾问合作完成的,目的是将动物承受的压力降到最低。”克里夫·伯尔曼是总部位于圣弗朗西斯科的晋思建筑(Gensler)的机场设计师。

  When completed, the facility is subject to approval by the US Department of Agriculture. Animalswill be charged fees — still being determined depending on services — that will help fund theterminal. High-end dog “suites” could top $100 per night.


  Transporting animals by air is not aimed at low-income owners. A flight to London for a dog cancost about $1,000, plus a crate, airport fees and vet certifications. And moving a horse can addup to at least $10,000.


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