21英语2015-07-30 10:12
A once-vacant city block at the northern edge of Yale University now teems with exotic herbs andvegetables, tended carefully by a community of graying people from China who are here to lookafter grandchildren as their own children cultivate careers at the Ivy League school. In the trellis-filled garden, a patchwork of small lots that are passed from family to family, they find friends, aroutine for daily life in new surroundings and familiar vegetables that are fresher than anything theyfind in local markets.
【Key Points】
想想也是很惬意的画面,头发灰白的一群老年人(graying people)在陌生的环境里自给自足、自娱自乐,真让人感到温馨。
aged/elderly people
senior citizens/group/generation
the old folks
仔细瞧瞧,这是不是最初被米国人民喊作Big apple的农作物呢?