
希拉里&川普总统辩论开战 看这90分钟都说了啥?

SaveTheDay2016-09-28 09:32

  希拉里&川普总统辩论开战 看这90分钟都说了啥?

  其实吧,这场辩论一直号称是“大骗子川普vs不诚实的希拉里(Liar Trump vs. Crooked Hillary)”的世纪之战。所以你想真的在辩论里听出些真材实料基本不可能,但如果你抱着研习哔哔技巧的心态来看,这还是很有营养的。

  更不用说可以看那些因为这场混战而倾巢而出的民间段子手了。比如:-"If hillary Clinton and Donal Trump both fall into the ocean, who will be saved?" -"America."(-“如果希拉里和川普同时掉进海里,谁会得救?”-“美国会得救。”)

  希拉里&川普总统辩论开战 看这90分钟都说了啥?



  The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was a contentious affair with the presidential candidates clashing on the economy, taxes and terrorism. With discipline, Clinton pushed Trump's buttons, attacking his business practices, accusing him of not paying his contractors and stiffing the American people by not paying federal taxes. Trump replied, "That makes me smart." Trump was vintage: a visceral debater who touted his business acumen and accused Clinton of being a professional politician — "all talk and no action." A 30-year career in politics, Trump said, has yielded nothing.


  希拉里&川普总统辩论开战 看这90分钟都说了啥?

  Hillary Clinton gave it her best, looking smart and energetic. She changed no minds among Trump fans, but likely helped herself with undecided voters.


  希拉里&川普总统辩论开战 看这90分钟都说了啥?


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