新东方网整理2019-11-07 14:32新东方网
大家都说吃胡萝卜有好处,那么你可曾想过,吃胡萝卜还能……防雾霾?上周日,新德里的PM2.5空气质量指数(AQI)“爆表”:多个地区达到999的量程最大值。根据换算,这相当于每人每天吸33.2根香烟。这也是污染水平三年来的最高值。面对这样的局面,印度卫生部长Harsh Vardhan在推特上分享了健康小贴士!
In the wake of pollution levels rocketing to a three-year-high in Delhi last Sunday, the Union Minister for Health, Harsh Vardhan shared health tips on Twitter.他建议人们通过吃胡萝卜来防止污染造成的损害:“吃胡萝卜可以帮助身体摄入维生素A,钾,抗氧化物等,这些可以抵抗在印度很常见的夜盲症。同时,胡萝卜还可以帮助抵抗污染造成的身体伤害。”He advised people to eat carrots to avoid pollution-related harms. Harsh Vardhan tweeted, "Eating carrots helps the body get Vitamin A, potassium, & antioxidants which protect against night blindness common in India. Carrots also help against other pollution-related harm to health."他的推特上还配发了一张卡通画,画中人物正准备吃胡萝卜,并且还有文字说明:用冬天的胡萝卜来咀嚼出你的健康之路。
据报道,德里的雾霾已经达到了“危险”的级别,属于“非常严重”,污染指标已经是世界卫生组织污染物安全限量的30倍了。学校停课,航班取消,印度有关部门宣布进入公众健康紧急状态。The city’s smog is reaching ‘hazardous’ levels, with air quality now ranking in the ‘severe’ category at over 30 times the World Health Organisation’s safe daily limit of pollutants. Schools have been shuttered and flights canceled as officials declared a public health emergency. 不过显然,Harsh Vardhan部长的建议没能得到网友们的正面响应。相反,网友们纷纷表达愤怒不满,还有人干脆上来讽刺一波。Harsh Vardhan's tweet did not go well with the netizens. While a lot of Twitter users replied to his tweet with anger and dismay, others used sarcasm to convey their disappointment hilariously.“谢谢你,先生,现在没有污染了!”