新东方网整理2019-12-27 10:54新东方网
5A-level scenic areas
A total of 22 tourist attractions, including Beijing's Old Summer Palace, are expected to be added to the 5A category, the highest level in the rating system, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) on Wednesday.
我国旅游景区质量等级(quality rating of scenic areas)划分为五级,景区评定等级需要满足的条件包括三个细则:
细则一为服务质量与环境质量(quality of service and environment),共分为旅游交通、游览、旅游安全(travel safety)、卫生(sanitation)、邮电服务(postal service)、旅游购物、综合管理以及资源和环境的保护(resource and environment conservation)8个大项;
细则三为游客意见(tourists feedback),以游客对该旅游景区的综合满意度为依据。
据文化和旅游部资源开发司介绍,此次22家拟新确定的5A级景区,是经有关省区市文化和旅游行政部门推荐,文化和旅游部按程序组织综合评定的。按照国家标准《旅游景区质量等级的划分与评定》和《旅游景区质量等级管理办法》,这22家旅游景区已达到国家5A级旅游景区标准要求(up to standard of 5A-level scenic areas)。
The selected tourist attractions were recommended by local tourism administrations and evaluated in accordance with standards and regulations by the MCT.这22家旅游景区如下
今年以来,文化和旅游部还组织第三方专业检查员对部分5A级旅游景区的资源保护、游览设施、环境卫生、厕所革命(toilet revolution)、安全管理、讲解服务等方面情况进行了复核检查,对山西省晋中市乔家大院等7家质量严重不达标或存在严重问题的5A级旅游景区予以处理。
The MCT conducted a review and inspection of select 5A-level scenic areas to check their resource conservation, tourist facilities, and sanitation and safety management, among other services this year.
At the end of 2018, China now had over 10,300 tourist attractions rated above A level, receiving more than 6 billion visitors a year, according to the MCT.
热门景点 tourist hotspots
取景地旅游 set-jetting
故宫 Forbidden City/Palace Museum
天坛 Temple of Heaven
颐和园 Summer Palace
热门景点 tourist hotspots
网络实名购票 real-name online ticketing
散客 individual tourist
自由行 independent travel