

沪江2019-12-31 15:33

时事 百科 科技 美食 心理 身体奥秘

  London’s underground transit system, known as “The London Underground” or “The Tube,” started running in 1863. Its iconic symbol, a patriotically colored bar-and-circle roundel, was first plastered on the city’s subterranean walls in 1908 and has gone through several iterations since.

  伦敦地下交通系统于1863年开始运营,它又被称为“The London Underground”(伦敦地铁)或“The Tube”(伦敦地铁)。其标志性符号是一个带有爱国主义色彩(红白蓝三色,与英国国旗的颜色相同)的圆形图案,由长方形和圆形组合在一起。该符号于1908年被首次画在伦敦地下的墙壁上,此后该符号经历了数次改版。

  Until now, each new draft of the logo has been a variation on the same theme—all solidly red and blue, with only slight changes to the proportions and weight of the letters.


  Recently, however, British-Ghanaian artist Larry Achiampong has reimagined the traditional transit symbol to reflect the rich and diverse African diaspora that makes up roughly 44% of London’s population.


  This large-scale logo redesign is a public commission from Art on the Underground, a visual arts showcase funded by Transport for London, which “seeks to consider the possibilities of alternate histories,” according to a statement.


  “Pan African Flag for the Relic Travellers’ Alliance” exists as a part of the showcase’s 2019 program “On Edge,” which encourages artists to create works that explore themes of unity, utopia, and belonging, inspired by the United Kingdom’s likely departure from the European Union, thanks to Brexit (the deadline to withdraw, deal or not, has been extended to January 31, 2020).

  “文物旅游联盟的泛非洲旗帜”是2019年艺术展项目“On Edge”(在边缘)的一部分,它鼓励艺术家探索以统一、乌托邦和归属感为主题,且以英国脱欧(取消脱欧、协议脱欧或无协议脱欧的最后期限被延长至2020年1月31日)为灵感来进行的艺术作品创作。

  Achiampong was invited to create eight different versions of the classic roundel, to be placed in 70 different locations around London’s Westminster Underground station, which sits right across from the Houses of Parliament.



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