

沪江英语2020-03-23 16:06Lumos


  由于新型冠状病毒疫情爆发导致的封锁,威尼斯的河道呈现出人们记忆中最清澈的样子,可以看清水中的鱼        Venice's canals are the cleanest they've been in living memory after coronavirus lockdown leaves water clear and fish become visible


  Venetian canals are the clearest they have been in living memory after Italy's coronavirus lockdown stopped boats from bringing sediment to the surface.


  In a rare welcome side-effect of the health crisis, the usually murky waterways are clear enough to see the schools of fish under the water.


  White swans are also roaming the canals in a city where the usually overloaded piazzas and alleyways have become almost deserted, while air pollution has declined across northern Italy.


  With no tourists taking gondola rides along the canals, the sediment in the water has been able to settle at the bottom without being churned about - making the surface clearer.

  一位威尼斯人当地人马可·卡波维拉(Marco Capovilla)在拍了一些鱼的影像后说,“从未见过”如此清澈的水。

  One Venetian local, Marco Capovilla, said he 'had never seen' the water so clear after filming some of the fish under the surface.


  'The water now looks clearer because there is less traffic on the canals, allowing the sediment to stay at the bottom,' a spokesman for the Venice mayor's office said.


  'It's because there is less boat traffic that usually brings sediment to the top of the water's surface.'

  “但是,由于居民活动受限,空气污染变少了,因为水上巴士和船只的通行量比平常少。”'The air, however, is less polluted since there are less vaporetti and boat traffic than usual because of the restricted movement of residents.'


  Local resident Capovilla, 40, described the 'striking' clarity of the water in contrast to the usually dirty canals, which he filmed during the lockdown.

  房地产经纪人说,这座城市没有下水道,因此通常所有东西都进入运河,包括洗涤剂和化妆品。'The city doesn't have sewers, so normally everything goes into the canals, including detergents and cosmetics,' the estate agent said.


  'Thanks to the quarantine, we are experiencing a cleaner environment.'

  33岁的银行工作人员马丁娜·贝托尼(Martina Bettoni)说:“在隔离之前,很少能在运河中看到如此多的鱼。

  Bank worker Martina Bettoni, 33, said: 'Seeing so many fish in the canals was extremely rare before the quarantine.


  I hope we'll learn from this tragic time, and that when this is over Venice will be able to strike a balance between tourist crowds and cleanliness.'





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