CGTN2020-03-26 14:57CGTN
西班牙累计确诊病例增至39,673例,24小时内增加6,584例,增幅超过意大利。 24日,德国累计确诊病例增至27,436例,新增4,764例;德国总理安格拉·默克尔周日被告知,她接触过的医生检测出COVID-19呈阳性,随后她进行了自我隔离。
COVID-19 cases keep ballooning in Europe.
The past week was especially grim for Italy – where the coronavirus has claimed more lives than in any other country – as the death toll doubled to over 5,400, with the total number of cases nearing 69,176 as of Tuesday.
Spain, the second hardest-hit country in Europe, had over 39,673 people infected and nearly 1,800 dead. France reported more than 16,000 cases, 674 of them fatal.
Cases in Germany also passed 27,436 as of Tuesday, though reported much fewer fatalities. Chancellor Angela Merkel quarantined herself on Sunday, after she was informed that the doctor she had contact with had tested positive for COVID-19.
These four countries have all been reporting four-digit increases in confirmed cases. Total cases in about 10 other European nations also passed 1,000 – all are expected to rise further in the days to come.
限制性措施推出 欧洲各国政府采取严厉措施来控制疫情,例如关闭了企业和学校、禁止公众集会、关闭边境以及命令民众待在家里。 在最新措施中,受打击最严重的意大利关闭了所有非刚需企业,此举一直延续到4月3日。在此前,该国也多次采取严控措施。 2月22日,政府强制隔离了意大利北部的11个城市,然后将封锁区域扩大到整个伦巴第地区和其他多个邻近省份。 3月10日,意大利政府实行全国封锁。