
苹果2018秋季新品发布会:iphone xr 国行6499元起!

新东方网整理2018-09-13 09:26

  北京时间9月13日凌晨,苹果2018秋季新品发布会一口气发布了iPhone Xs、iPhone Xs Max和iPhone Xr三款新手机。其中,iPhone Xr和Xs Max加入双卡双待。新款iPhone中国官网已上线,iPhone Xr售价749美元起(国行版6499元起),iPhone Xs售价999美元起(国行版8699元起),iPhone Xs Max售价1099美元起(国行版9599元),其中512GB高配版12799元,是史上最贵iPhone!

苹果2018秋季新品发布会:iphone xr 国行6499元起!

  Apple unveiled four most advanced devices including the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, as well as the Apple Watch Series 4, with the iPhone XS MAX that is being claimed as the biggest iPhone in the history with a 6.5-inch display. Both the iPhone XS and the iPhone XS Max have a dual-SIM system. The iPhone XS and iPhone XS MAX will go on presale in China at 3:01 p.m. on September 14, while iPhone XR at 3:01 p.m. on October 19.

苹果2018秋季新品发布会:iphone xr 国行6499元起!

  在推出新一代旗舰iPhone XS的同时,也推出了面向中低端用户的iPhone XR。但是俗话说的好,“一分价钱一分货”,更便宜的iPhone XR在性能上又做出了那些妥协呢?我来给您分析下iPhone XS和iPhone XR这2200元差在哪。

  一、iPhone XR采用更为廉价的LCD屏幕

  二、iPhone XR支持双卡双待




  不同于iPhone XS的三种配色:黄金,太空灰,银。

  iPhone XR使用了6种不同的配色:红色,黄色,白色,珊瑚色,黑色,蓝色。


  iPhone XR:

苹果2018秋季新品发布会:iphone xr 国行6499元起!
iPhone XR国行售价6499起,拥有64GB、128GB、256GB三种容量可供选择


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