

新东方网整理2021-05-04 14:37


  However, Pandora had encountered a problem. She needed to get to the island in the middle of the lake to deliver the cake to her friends, but the bridge was out! She didn’t know how deep the water was, so she just paced back and forth at the lakeside wondering what to do.

  不过,Pandora 现在遇到了一些难题,她要到湖心岛给自己的小伙伴送糕点,可是通往岛上的小桥最近坏了,她不知道湖水是深是浅,正在湖边走来走去,迟疑着呢。

  At this time, Pandora saw Iris far off, walking toward her. She told Iris about her problem. Iris laughed and told her the water was very shallow, only up to her calf.

  这时,Pandora 远远地看见幻想鹿 Iris 走了过来,她向 Iris 说出了自己的疑惑。Iris 笑着告诉她湖水一点儿都不深,才到自己的小腿。

  Once Iris had left, Pandora prepared to cross the lake to the island, but with her first step, she heard a terrified shout from behind her. It was Jimmy.

  Iris 刚走开,Pandora 就高兴地准备淌过湖水。但她刚一迈腿,忽然就听到背后传来一个惊恐的声音,让她赶快停下来,原来是 Jimmy。

  Pandora turned around and saw Jimmy staring at her with big eyes. Jimmy very seriously told Pandora that the water was very deep.

  Pandora 转过身,看见 Jimmy 正瞪大眼睛看着自己。Jimmy 非常认真地告诉 Pandora 湖水非常深。

  Pandora then became very scared. She didn’t know what to do, or who she should listen to. The next moment, Oxford the bull walked up, so Pandora asked for his help.

  这可把 Pandora 吓傻了,她完全愣住了,不知道究竟应该听谁的。正好牛津牛 Oxford 从旁边路过,Pandora 又赶紧向 Oxford 求助。

  After hearing Pandora’s predicament, and seeing her distress, Oxford laughed and said to her, “What is there to be afraid of? Try it yourself and you’ll know!”

  听完 Pandora 讲出自己的困惑,再看看她抓耳挠腮的样子,Oxford 笑着说:“这有什么犹豫的呀?湖水的深浅,你自己试试后不就知道啦!”

  With Oxford’s lead, Pandora safely arrived on the island, and the water wasn’t as shallow as Iris said, or as deep as Jimmy said. Pandora was very happy.

  在 Oxford 的带领下,Pandora 安全地上了岛,原来湖水既不像 Iris 说的那么浅,也不像 Jimmy 说的那么深,她开心极了。

  In the end, Pandora managed to bring the cake to her friends

  最后,Pandora 成功地将糕点送给了小伙伴。




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